Ham Radio Blog | HF Vertical Antennas & HOA Flagpole Antennas, 160-6M
Greyline DX Feedline Kit: Ladder-line to Coax PL-259 Adapter
Greyline DX Feed line Kit: Ladder-line to Coax PL-259 Adapter. The Greyline DX Feedline Kit is meant to allow the installation of our antennas to be simply, 'plug n play' even with ladder line in the mix. Ham Radio is fun again!
Announcing another Greyline DX Antenna Giveaway, Ham Radio is Fun Again
Announcing another Greyline DX Antenna Giveaway! Greyline Performance requests YouTube Videos, Pictures and Stories of DX Flagpole & DX Vertical installations from around the world. Ham Radio is fun again.
Work 60-80M Real DX with the Greyline Flagpole Antenna, Exact Station Design noted
On 60 meters it felt like the old days, running JA’s from Chicago in the CQWW CW with a 4-1000 to a Quad at 80." and "Since I added the Greyline DX Flagpole vertical antenna, I have added over 1,200 to my DXCC Challenge account." Bill describes his exact station and antenna layout and recounts his VU and KH6 FT8 Q's on 80M. You can too!
Clean Sweep in ARRL CW SS with a 20' DX Flagpole in HOA
Bill attains "Clean Sweep" status in ARRL CW November Sweepstakes! ARRL reports only 4-5% get this done each year. Bill did it with his 20' Greyline DX Flagpole Antenna. How did you do? Ham Radio is fun again. -
DX Flagpole featured on Ham Talk Live "Stealth Antennas & HOAs"
Greyline DX Flagpole Antenna is featured on Episode 188 of "Ham Talk Live" titled "Stealth Antennas and HOAs." Neil interviews John, W6NBC, Retired NBC Broadcast Engineer, QST writer, and Antenna Award Recipient about Stealth antennas including the DX Flagpole Antenna. Smart, Strong, Elegant! 160-6M, Ham Radio is fun again. -
Customer writes, "4-Band DXCC with my HOA vertical antenna, DX Flagpole!"
Customer review: "After 3-months, impressive performance, SWR 1.8:1 on 75M-6M, busting pile-ups, and surprisingly FB on 6M too! -
DX Flagpole Antenna, Customer Reviews, Pics, Audio, & RBN Signal Data
So, the bands have been "dead" lately, yet Greyline DX Antenna owners say things like, " 4-band DXCC this summer with my DX Flagpole." Are you ready for a real antenna too? -
Ski Bag Portable, Parks, Camps, Beach Ham Radio with Greyline DX Vertical Antenna #POTA #SOTA
Ham Radio beach portable weekend, kids unpack Greyline DX Vertical and on the air 90 minutes. #POTA #SOTA -
Doug, WA2DX reviews his Greyline Flagpole Antenna, Felt Like the Old Days When I Had a Tower!
Meet Doug, WA2DX and see pictures of his clean install: Greyline Flagpole Antenna, ATU, and install tips. He says it feels like the old days when he had a tower up! Check out that QTH.
Steve compares his 20' DX Flagpole Antenna to 84' End Fed Zepp
I've A/B tested with my stealth 84' end-fed-long-wire and the DX Flagpole and have had success running stations on 20/40 CW.
Want to light up RBN skimmers all over the world just like Steve from his HOA QTH?
Nationwide HOA Approvals and Antenna Zoning For the Radio Amateur
Need HOA Approval for your radio antenna? Find real help and guidance to that gets you back on the air again with the book, "Antenna Zoning For the Radio Amateur." Want to put up a tower or know how to apply for an HOA permit for your Greyline DX Flagpole Antenna? Meet Fred, K1VR who wrote the book on Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur. You'll be glad you did.
DX Flagpole Antenna, a passport to Real DX in your HOA.
Looking for an HOA and XYL approved, Real DX, no radial, small footprint, all band antenna, and not wanting to put up a tower. Greyline Performance VDA, vertical dipole antennas are smarter, stronger, and more elegant than you might expect.
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