Very sturdy with beautiful looks! First 3 hf contacts were Japan on 10 & 17 meters from Tucson, Az
I have two gray line antennas both with 4 foot extensions on them. I have a 24 foot with a 4 foot extension making 28 and a 20 foot with a 4 foot extension making 24. I have used both of these antennas and made contacts all over the world. I have an all continent award. I also have friendship awards on all bands 80 through 6 m I can tune 160 m as well. Only one contact on there because the band conditions have been poor not the antenna’s fault. These things are fabulous if you live in an HOA or an area where you just need a vertical Off Center fed dipole. Grayline , customer support and antenna quality are unsurpassed. These are aircraft quality, aluminum and hardware unmatchable in the regular antenna industry. These things are Support poles very lightweight. You can install it yourself but extremely thick sidewall tubing. This antenna will stand a lifetime of weather very inconspicuous and no problem working worldwide with only 100 W With an amplifier this thing would be unbeatable in contesting.
I'm very happy with the Greyline Flag pole antenna, easy to install and the shipping was fast with all the parts arriving at the same time.
I'm very happy with this antenna. It works wonderful and I couldn't be happier.
I originally installed a Greyline DX 24' Flagpole, in my covenant restricted area,
about 3.5 years ago and made several thousand OSOs. Super quality material, was
easy to install and performed better than expected from my noisy locale.
Due to some issues with the park I live in and some performance degradation, I decided to
refurb the installation with new feedline, balun (my tuner does not have a built-in balun)
choke and the ladder line. During the process, I found a frayed part of the internal
ladder line that look like it was chewed on and a few other minor issues (weather related)
Needless to say, it fired up first time with no issues (I followed the tips) and seeing
signals and S levels I haven't seen in awhile..
The DX Flagpole antennas are well worth the investment as they work extremely well,
made of highest quality materials that will last for a very long time.
Longest QSO was about 12,500 miles on FT8. Super awesome.
Greg K7GAN
Looks great and works even better. I hear more stations on my regular nets than I normally do. I used stone papers for a rectangular wall around the flagpole which matches the house. A beautiful, wonderful, addition to my hoa property.
I was impressed with the quality of the antenna tubing used. It's not the normal aluminum used by the other manufacturers, but a precision machined tubing. It fit together tightly with the thick fiberglass insulating sections. Using the LDG-RT600 remote antenna tuner, it tuned very well on 40-6 (I don't use 160/80) as a ground-mounted 28 ft. vertical dipole and really captures the DX! My QSO and country count really started accelerating from where it was. I live on a small corner lot with no HOA, and have no real trees for antenna supports. I can now reach AUS and the South Pacific with ease from the East Coast of the USA. I had a special installation so it took me about 5 hours to install by myself (several trips to several hardware stores for clamps, all-thread and such). It was pretty much a 'remove and replace' with the old antenna. All-in-all, it was a worthwhile investment and upgrade, I love this thing!
I got HOA approval, even though they require white fiberglass flag poles. I explained that while it was a genuine flag pole, it was also an amateur radio antenna that provided emergency communications if needed. Living in hurricane country, that thought that was a very good thing to have in the hood.
As for the technical details of the antenna, speaking as one who has built their own flag pole antenna, this one is a great design and manufactured antenna. The machined parts and hardware are first rate! The performance is superb. I’m FT8 ing points easily 1000+ miles on 20w. (20 meters).
I’ve tried to include photos, but can’t seem to…..
I am providing my first impression report regarding my 24FT HOA antenna. Installation was easy once I was able to figure out the instructions. The twin lead spacers were missing so I inserted a section of PVC into the lower section to insulate the twin lead. I’m using an IC7300, MFJ 993brt remote tuner, Balun Design, Inc model 117t balun which takes coax as input and twin lead as output. I then feed it through an Array Solutions model AS309H arrestor which takes twin lead as both input and output. With the remote tuner: SWR readings are 1.2 in the cw portion of 40 meters and 1.5 in the ssb portion SWR readings are 1.1 all the way across 20 meters (my favorite band) SWR readings are 1.2 in the cw portion of 15 meters and 1.4 in the ssb portion I am a cw guy and have worked all over Europe and South America as well as New Zealand and am getting very good signal reports. Needless to say, I am very pleased with this antenna so far. It works way better than I expected I haven’t yet had to operate in windy or rainy conditions so there is more to learn. Howard Glassman K4OBC
I purchased the pole without the antenna and am very happy with the quality and ease of installation.
Added this to my 20ft flagpole for 160 m work. Able to make contacts, looking forward to up the power. Great flagpole!
What a wonderful Antenna I have made contacts in over 50 country's so far in less than three weeks easy to assemble and works.
I purchase a 20’ Flagpole antenna that also included the 4’ extension. I installed the flagpole the end of January here at my home in central Florida. The install was easy with only a couple of small issues that were easily resolved by just thinking things through. I installed the antenna in the back yard in the HOA and have not had any complaints.
The performance of the antenna has been very good. The SWR on most band has been =< 1.5 except the 12 meter band. The SWR is just under 2.0. The DX into Europe and Africa has been good. Have done a lot of FT4 and FT8 with good reports. SSB has been good with good signal reports depending on propagation. All of my contacts have been made on 70 – 100 watts. I am using a SGC 230 tuner mounted at the base of the antenna
Most of my contacts have been 10 MHz – 28 MHZ. I have done some work on 40 meters but not much. Not much of an night owl so I don’t get very much of a change to use the antenna on 40 – 160 meters. The SWR is on these bands is 1.0 – 1.3, so I would expect good performance if I had more power.
At this point in time the only negative I have to report is the flag. It has been flying on most days in 5 to 15 MPH winds. I have taken it down when we had higher winds had exceed the 15 MHP. I noticed this morning the flag was torn and shredded. I took the flag down and noticed the flag was made by Anley and it was manufactured in China. I wouldn’t expect a flag to be in this condition after 3 months. I had USA made flags last over a year flying in much stronger winds that this one.
I'm only giving a 4 because of the flag issue. I will reach out to Greyline to see what they have to say.
We are so glad to hear that your Antenna has FB SWRs from 160-10M and congrats on the great DX! Fun... We buy our flags from several USA companies one of which is Anley, Inc., which is also a US company based in California. We are happy to replace the flag.
US GOV reports 90-days is the expected Flag lifespan. 'The U.S. Government generally expects a nylon or cotton flag to last 90 days based on being flown daily from sunrise to sunset - but not during periods of inclement weather. Tests have shown that, in some cases, a flag flown 24 hours a day will last only one-fourth as long as one flown only during the daylight hours.' - again, happy to help and we will contact you directly for a replacement.
Remember, Ham Radio is fun again, Please pass it on to your friends and family. - 73m Greyline Performance
It has taken me a while to get it put together and up, but with the help and patience of two of my sons, my beautiful flag pole antenna is up and operational. I am still learning how to use my radio, just found out my microphone has an on/off switch for example. The install is complete but it is working already. I will send some pictures. I am thinking about a 4' extension for my 16' flagpole antenna. Does the extension go on the bottom? If it does, i may do that.
This is an antenna I wish I would have purchased sooner. We live in an HOA with a small lot and some restrictions on antenna placement and height. We had a small vertical antenna mounted to our fence, but had limited places to install grounds and could only put two in place along the fence line. We could only receive 40M, sometimes 20M, and both had to be tuned and adjusted at the antenna. This year, those bands began generating high SWR. I was able to determine the wiring and connections were all good but the antenna was failing and we would miss out on the new solar cycle. We ordered a 20' Greyline, without the flag mount options, along with an LDG 100W external tuner. Due to a backlog in supplies, it took many months to process my order, and when I paid with a credit card it was cancelled the following month because they could not ship it within 30 days to process my credit card. I called and they no longer had any 20' antenna packages to ship at that time, but they agreed to ship me a 24' for the same price without further delay. That was still not going to be visible from the street above my home which is an HOA requirement, so I agreed. After receiving the equipment and installing it, I was amazed. 40M, 20M, 12M, and 10M bands were all below 1.5 SWR. 30M was an impressive 1.1 SWR. Unfortunately, I could not tune 80M, 17M, or 15M due to high SWR. Quite possibly this is an issue with the LDG tuner. We have reached far away with this antenna, and my wife began using FT8 and collected QSOs with 29 countries on multiple bands within a week. I was able to reach Australia, which showed a distance of 10,000 miles. The antenna is in my back yard, close to my house and neighbors say they don't notice it. While I could have installed it in the front as a flagpole, I would have to re-rout all of my wiring to the front of the house. This is an impressive antenna. If I were to do this again, I would like to have purchased an already assembled ladder-line to PL-259 adaptor as assembling the provided kit proved somewhat challenging without a drill press which I no longer have after downsizing a few years ago, and having to modify the clamshell case so that it would fit over the PL-259 component. The RF-choke required weather proofing so I ended up purchasing 1-1/2" waterproofed shrink tube that seemed expensive for the length needed. In the end, it all worked well when connected. I fully recommend this antenna.
Wow! So great to hear that you and the XYL both are enjoying the bands together. Let's get those other bands working. Likely a ground issue we can resolve. *We've already called him for a few testing exercises to get things dialed in. Ham Radio is fun again! Pass it on... 73 Greyline Performance
At the age of 79 was able to install the 20ft flagpole antenna without help, which surprised me. I installed solar lights above and below the flag and it's a beautiful sight at night. I attached the ladder line directly to the ground and long wire terminals on the MFJ tuner and it works perfectly. Very low SWR on all bands. In spite of poor band conditions I have been having a blast. Frankly, it tickles me to have my antenna sticking up in my front yard in plain site. My neighbors love it and the HOA is clueless. 73's, Kelly K4SLE
Band conditions have been tough running barefoot, but I have been working DX on 20 meters! DL, SM, YU, RU, ZS, TI all in a single morning with only 70 watts. In fact i have had so much fun being back on the air i have made the decision to replace my aging 30+ year old Kenwood with a new radio. I been pleased with the antenna and my neighbors have been pleased with the look of the flagpole.
I purchased two chokes, the coax to ladder line choke from the tuner output to the antenna ladder line and the coax to coax choke that I have installed at the radio. These work very nicely to tame noise. It's a worthwhile investment. The mini choke works better than the MFJ one that I originally was using.
The weather finally allowed me to complete the installation of my new DX-28. During the many storms, I was able to build and piece the antenna into three separate sections, preparing it for final installation once the ground dried out. After several weeks of poor weather, I was able to finish the installation which only took an hour. The machining quality and materials of this antenna is impressive. I used the LDG RT-100 ATU, ladder line to PL259 500 watt line isolator, with LMR400 coax. Within the first hour of operating, I made 15 contacts with 5-9-9 signal reports. I gave this 4 stars only because there was a few missing parts which greyline resolved quickly with a phone call.
This is a great solution for HOA restricted Amateurs. No one in my neighborhood realizes it's an antenna, except for the neighbors I've actually told - otherwise they would never have known. Having a helper insert the assembled flagpole inside the PVC sleeve (that's in the concrete) is a good idea. It's not heavy, just a little awkward alone.
The assembly of the antenna was relatively easy, but the documentation is spread out between a couple files and different locations on the website. While Jon was always helpful, it would go a long way to improve the documentation in a single concise file. I would be happy to assist Greyline in making this update or providing feedback.
One item of note, is the modification of the PL259 boss for soldering the ladder line. Ideally, this should be done on a drill press, it wasn't the easiest task with a hand drill and not having a vice. Greyline should consider pre-drilling the boss. The other issue I had was the supplied heat shrink with heat activated glue. It simply wouldn't work. I ended removing the glue, cutting the heat shrink, and taping it on... I'm not convinced this is even required if good precautions with No-Ox are made at the feedpoint with soldered terminals. I may be removing this.
Another update to the antenna would be to include Dacron rope - or perhaps as an upgrade option to alleviate rope replacement in a year or two.
The 3D printing of the stand-off insulators for the 450 ohm ladder line inside the aluminum is a novel idea and worked very well. However, it should be noted that the 3D printed ladder line to PL259 housing should be protected against UV. A short note in the manual would be a good idea, as well as protecting the snap-on chokes for the balun at the tuner input. This should be common sense, but a note would be helpful. I'm also wondering how long the flag hooks will last, they are plastic and appear to be 3D printed as well.
On-Air performance is very good, it compares well to a multi-band trapped dipole I have in my garage attic. Notably, it fills the gap in the dipole nulls off the tips. I am using the MFJ-993BRT tuner, as I already had it on-hand. I am finding that the tuner has some difficulty resolving a match to the antenna, and will not find a solution on 160M. I plan to take impedance measurements before winter. I believe this to be a tuner deficiency. I've made many contacts, domestic and DX (EU, SA, NA) on several bands.
The reason I'm giving the antenna 4 stars and not 5 stars is for the documentation deficiencies, the difficulty drilling the PL259 boss, and the work-around of the heat shrink / glue. I have more work to do regarding the tuner / impedance. I recently noticed that the screws for the bottom insulator were loose. This may have been an assembly issue on my part, but I will continue to monitor them, and apply blue Loctite if they loosen again.
In summary, I do think this is a great solution for HOA restricted Amatuers, and will get many people on the air that would not be otherwise. Some minor updates, in my opinion, would go a long way from making this a really good product to a great product.
Dennis KT8X
We are delighted for this review. Thank you for the detail and list format. We will implement many (or all) of these at our next meeting and revise some of our documents too. Appreciate this very much. Surely our peers and customers will appreciate your efforts for years to come. Thank you, sir! Ham Radio is fun again.... 73 Greyline
Very nice product! Worth the wait! I highly recommend Greyline Performance.
A good station accessory to have. The CM choke performs as expected.
All workmanship is really great. Flag is very good and made in the USA. It is not an all weather flag but still of good quality. Instructions are great. I had read from notations from from other owners on the Greyline site that on the ladder line the center conductor went on the top portion of the vertical antenna and the shield on the lower section. I’m glad that this was in the customer pointers. I used anti-seize on connector screws. I the components are stainless steel and anti- seize is normally used especially if going to remove antenna in the foreseeable future. I had some screws loosen (and they were tightened down well. I have since taken all lower section screws out and out on blue lock tite. SinceI have done that I issues. Due to supply issues I could not get the 600 watt tuner so was given some options and I took the 200 watt remote tuner version. It has worked very well. Later I want to get a full power remote tuner.
I am very pleased with my 24' Flagpole Antenna. Jon helped me over the phone to place my order and it took about 5 weeks for everything to arrive. The Flagpole, LDG 600 Tuner, and the Feedline and flag kit arrived in 3 separate shipments.
Assembly was fairly easy although I found some of the written instructions a bit ambiguous but Jon always answered my emails with either an email reply or a phone call. I was surprised on how strong the Flagpole is considering how light weight it is. Make sure you wear gloves when handling the fiberglass insulators. I decided to add the Palomar Engineers 1:1 Mini Balun and Maxi Choker to my assembly which I ordered directly from Palomar. My typical SWR readings are less than 1.3 or better on all bands and I am getting great signal reports! I plan on getting a 600 Watt amplifier this summer.
I ran LMR 400 Coax to feed the antenna and a heavy duty extension cord for powering a light to luminate my flag at night through conduit that I buried under ground (with my Echo Dot and a smart plug, it allows me to tell Alexa to turn the Flagpole light on and off). I purchased a concrete form tube to aid in concreting the PVC Sleeve in the ground. The antenna weighs less than 30 lbs. so it was very easy to set in place once the concrete cured. Hooking up to the ladder line and antenna was a breeze. Currently I have a nice planter placed upside down to cover the remote tuner. I think it looks great and my neighbors have commented on how nice my "Flagpole" looks. In my HOA , I would not be able to be on the air without my Greyline Performance Flagpole Antenna!
I ordered Greyline’ 28’ OCF Vertical Dipole October 25,2018 (Order #FP-55221014) I erected antenna in Happy Valley, Oregon (there is pix on their website). I am an 82-year-old Retired Episcopal Priest and did assembly myself which is good for this Extra Class ‘appliance operator’. This year we had a strange wind/ice storm which brought down some trees and large tree limbs, including all my antennas. It was a unique happening for ice formed very quickly and I could not lower flag which turned into a huge block of ice contributing to taking down my vertical flagpole antenna. I contacted Greyline about purchasing several sections and hardware for an attempted repair. Before getting any specific answer concerning needed parts, I got e-mail that package had been sent from Greyline. I was confused until a thirty-pound carton appeared on my front porch. Greyline had replaced my 28’ Flagpole Antenna, no questions asked. I never thought about this on Greyline’s first page of advertising for 28' DX Flagpole Antenna, Stealth HOA Vertical Antenna No Radials 160-6M
• Industry-leading 4-year warranty
Just wanted you to know --- Greyline replaced my Vertical Antenna --- No Questions asked! By the way it also Works!