About Us

We make bold claims promising Real DX results for you, and HOA + XYL approvals too, owing to our approach of Smarter & Stronger Elegance. Ham Radio is fun again. Pass it on...
We are a small group of amateur radio enthusiasts with families and a passion for radio, maybe just like you. Founded in 2018 & still serving you, today!
I'd bet you share with us memories of playing in the backyard hanging wires from tree branches and for some of us, maybe even a pulley on a tower to experiment with our wire antenna designs. Boy, those were the days!
Fast forward to the current era and many of us are raising kids in suburbia or retired to an HOA that is resistant to our dreams of antenna farming.
We need a real antenna that really works, Real DX! Now, imagine, if you will, sitting around a campfire on weekend evening with your best ham radio pals talking about the various options for your current QTH. Sure, we can dream of the bigger fish, bigger tower, bigger Yagi but let's be realistic for just a minute and think about the fussy neighbors, a happy XYL and a family that can be proud of your antenna farm rather than the harsh reality of embarrassing glares we might otherwise get with a tangle of wires, surely misunderstood and called names such as "bird-cage" or "junk guy" may produce. Instead of reflecting sunset shimmers of light for all to see, from this bundle of wire, of course, which we may all appreciate as a thing of beauty, there is a better way, a win/win.
Luckily for you, our team just happens to have access to RF designers, RF engineers, and 'state of the art' CNC equipment to manufacture RF antenna systems.
With that sort of access to cool machinery, we started asking each other, "if we can make anything, what shall we make?" How about real antennas for real people? So it began, the tinkering, building, improving... rinse and repeat. Voilà, the Real DX, 160-6M, HOA Flagpole Antenna & its brother, the HF Vertical Dipole Antenna.
Founded in 2018 and serving our peers 1000's of times over.
Ham Radio Team Highlights:
ARRL Antenna Design Awards - Winner!
It's true, the ARRL "Antenna of the Year" Award was won by one of our friends, a career Broadcast Engineer and antenna designer extraordinaire. Congrats, John! We're all thankful and better off owing to your contributions to the hobby.
Experienced, Life-long Ham Radio Operators
Our "Lead Musher" has been QRV for 40-years, made life-long friends around Planet Earth, continues to collect a long list of exotic callsigns as souvenirs, and was honored to compete as a member of Team USA at the Radio Olympics, WRTC 2014 in Boston. He says, "I just heard that our contest station in the Caribbean uses the OCF design (at a larger scale) to compete on the world stage! It's cool to see this design taken seriously at that level." At Greyline, we believe that we are on the right track for our customers.
Ham Radio is more fun with your friends
Here is Jon in 4O (Montenegro) on a mountain top with some radio pals; the cover of CQ Magazine September, 2021. Jon is always asking other radio ops, "How can we improve?"
Read more, here:
October 2021: Jon attended CQWW SSB radio contest, a large group effort with an international group that ultimately Won the World #1 spot, from an island cliff, super station.
Friendly Summary: We know our product well, perpetually we are improving the product and the process, have wonderful friends, associates and customers like you that offer to help us improve ultimately preparing us to offer you even more value. That said, please remember, this is a hobby and we want to keep it that way, it's much more rich and exciting with our friends. We hope you agree!
Our purpose is to design and manufacture custom antennas that are smarter, stronger and more elegant HF antenna systems. Radio Antennas that work Real DX on 160-6M from home, HOA, in the field, and portable operations. (EMCOMM, SOTA, DXpeditions, camping, RV, weekends, etc.)
Our philosophy is to provide smart antenna systems that your most discerning neighbor, wife, partner, and friends can be proud of. They might say, "gee, that's a good looking Flagpole." (insert your favorite snicker sound here)... We know you are thinking, "yep, that's my Flagpole Antenna." Now isn't that Smart?
Our Team: RF Custom Antenna Design and Manufacturing
We maintain various relationships with RF Antenna designers and RF Engineers that cooperate with us to design custom antenna systems for public and private customers.
Our Facilities:
We operate out of facilities in Washington, Idaho, and Utah (W7) that utilize arrays of various manufacturing technologies reflecting Swiss style machining, CNC lathes and 5-axis mills to cut, drill, and polish aluminum tubing and other rare metals and exotic materials.
Our Skillset:
Our team is skilled in modern CNC equipment using aerospace materials.
Our Experience
We work mainly in Defense, Aerospace, Marine, custom communications parts, RF Antennas, and specialty Automotive.
We engage in difficult projects working to solve complex problems. The amateur radio side of the operation and this website reflects a labor of love as a service to our peers to offer you something of more value. We enjoy working on Ham Radio antenna projects as a change of pace for the team. We are honored to serve you in this way. Ham Radio is fun again.
Family, friends and our community are important to us. We source our talent, intelligence, and ultimately the products we share, from our radio friends. We aim to be a trusted, high-quality boutique antenna manufacturer for security and performance. We maintain close relationships with our sage advisors. We're hard working, creative, and focused on the new solutions needed today. Whether for emergency services, disaster prep, welfare traffic, or working DX on the ham radio bands, our products are built to last and look pretty too. We are always improving. Watch for new products to be announced along the way.
Before you buy any antenna consider learning about why we say "Smarter, Stronger and more Elegant." Our claims of high-performance, deeper signal penetration, lower noise, lower loss, and lower angles are by design and each assertion has an accurate meaning. Our wind ratings stand up against any brand and we report them conservatively so you have room to breathe. Why would you want anything less? We urge you to consider our claims and challenge us, as you wish. We wish Real DX Confidence for you. Ham Radio is fun again.
Call us or write in, we are hams and enjoy talking radio too.
Greyline Performance
Phone: +1 435-200-4902
eMail: flagpoleantennas@gmail.com
What customers are saying:
- Performance is fantastic! Many, many signals on FT8.
- Highly Recommended for HOA and CC&R Restricted Ham Radio QTHs.
- Got Indonesia this morning on 40m SSB with 100 watts. 9,000 miles!
- Equal or better signals than taller verticals requiring radials and it's stealth!
- It tunes on all bands less than 1.5, and 160 takes 1kW just fine!
- Performance has been beyond my expectation. The reception is unbelievable! Many many stations and much quieter than my EFLW.
Read more Customer Reviews in our FAQ's.
From the Beginning: A Short Story
"It started as a simple desire to just get back on the air with a real signal again while raising my young family," says Jon KL2A, Founder of Greyline Performance and Member of Team USA in WRTC 2014.
Jon stumbled upon an opportunity to tinker with antennas and tune the bands once again, maybe an activity many of you can relate to.
Referring to the OCF vertical dipole antenna design, "the results were suprising, impressive even, and pretty quick during the weekend of testing a couple of years ago it also caught the attention of several other operators who called in on the air, who seemed to realize this was no ordinary vertical and wanted one for their QTH too. It was eye-opening that these guys were so quick to want one!" Jon exclaimed.
It was this report that prompted Jon to make it his personal mission to refine and build more of these smarter, more elegant vertical antennas for fellow radio operators that might be in a similar place, that is, not necessarily able to put up a large tower or lay out 100+ radials in the yard, but simply wanting a really good looking antenna that works well between 160-6M. Especially one the ladies will approve of.
That said, "One bonus here is when my YL actually said she liked the shiny flagpole antenna in the garden. Imagine that... this was certainly a first for me too! Just maybe this aesthetically-pleasing antenna helps others get the buy-in from their partners to get back on the air too." he said.
(2022: Countless customers report their XYL or neighbors just love the Flagpole and have no idea it's really a Flagpole Antenna.")
In Closing:
“It’s a real thrill to hear stories like mine from all over the world. Folks call in with a common tone. It's a nostalgic-excitement that is truly contagious, it's in their voices when they talk about wanting to work Real DX signals again, and for some it's after 30 years of being off the air! Remember, many of these guys have been in restricted space QTH’s or HOA communities for a long time.” He adds, “it’s an honor to talk to these returning hams in many cases, really get to know them and play a small role in getting them back on the bands, one radio op at a time.”
Ham Radio is fun again!
- Greyline Performance