The Greyline DX Feedline Kit is everything you need to get on the air with your Greyline DX Flagpole Antenna and DX Vertical Antenna System.
Feed-line Kit Includes:
- Antenna Feed-line: Feed point to your Coax to the shack
- Spacers for the feed line as it travels inside the tubing to feed point
- Adapter: Ladder-line to PL-259 adapter kit for easy coaxial connection
- RF Choke: Slip-on or Snap-on Chokes
Note: This is the most popular arrangement. Each Feed-kit has everything you need to connect the Greyline DX Antenna to your shack coax with confidence. We use various suppliers and each element of the Kit may come in different styles, shapes, and sizes however they all provide the same functionality to you. As always, you provide your choice of Antenna Tuner, Coax, and Ham Radio, of course.
Add-ons: See our RF Choke offerings for more choking.
We offer two additional chokes, the 500W "mini" and 3500W "maxi" RF choking units. These can be added at the antenna side to further mitigate CMC (common mode current) on the coaxial feed line.
Remove QRN: As a bonus, on the radio side add a mini (radio output) or maxi (amplifier output) to decrease QRN or any noise captured along your feedline back headed to the radio, as well. We recommend trying the chokes at both ends of the coax to raise the quality of your experience. Every dB counts, right?
Alternative Methods to Feeding your Antenna, here: Not everyone uses our recommended methods. Here are a few to get you thinking outside of our box. Again, we get it, we like to tinker too.
Hey, before you go, a word about our friends... We support ham-radio-owned, small-businesses (thank you!) and therefore we share the load with several of these ham radio engineers. Some of these guys and gals are legends and make the best stuff on the planet, says other legendary engineers. We are very loyal to them and appreciate their knowledge. Thanks for your support in this manner. It takes a village, right?
The Flowers: The RF Choke and Flower arrangements may change without notice. The main point, our intent with the kit is to provide you high-performance confidence, on all bands. The details may change but the purpose and results, the same, or better.
See you on the air soon. Ham Radio is fun again.
73 Greyline Performance