3W1T YouTube "Spin the Bands" #hamradio
Let's "Spin the Bands" for a minute...

VIDEO: 1 minute spin of 17M finds 3W1T on 18068 peaking S-5 in Northern W7. Just a 24' DX Flagpole in an HOA at sunrise. "Magic Hour." What are you finding on the bands?
Graphic representation of 3W1T Vietnam signal plots, working Western and Eastern USA this morning. Graph by http://beta.reversebeacon.net

1. Check DXMAPS.COM - Select the HF or VHF tab. Then look through the various bands to see what activity is spotted crossing through your area, or nearby. (40, 20, 17, 15, etc.)
2. Check the RBN (beta.reversebeacon.net) which shows a signal strength (dB) for each automated spot (not necessarily the same as graphic #1). You can select an all-band view (not recommended) or a single band at a time, such as the band you are currently tuning around on. You can also type in a callsign, 3W1T, VU4W, 9N7CI, for example, to see where they are, and where their signals seem to be reaching.
3. TUNE THE BAND - If I haven't tuned the band already, which typically I do first. It's easy enough to hear if a signal is DX or not, owing typically to a polar-type flutter on the signal. The above #1-2 takes just a split second or two to get a graphic idea of what is open or what may be open and that's usually the band I'll try first.
4. TUNE TO THE DX TARGET STATION'S QRG - a quick tune to the frequencies these DX stations you see lighting up the maps is worthwhile. When you set your dial to a DX station's frequency, you might be surprised that the DX signal will rise and fall within several minutes. Let it ride there on frequency for a few minutes, you just might hear a signal rise out of the noise.
Before you shut down the radio...
5. Fun Experiment for Digital and CW operators: HOW LOUD ARE YOU AROUND THE WORLD?
Lastly, I'll try #5 here, which is fun to see how I'm getting out using the same tools above. Try it with 1 Watt or 100 Watts, etc.
FT8 Map showcases the entire planet "live" on the air.
See the map, here: https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html
RBN Signal Data: http://www.reversebeacon.net/srch.php
1. Find a clear frequency in the CW band
2. Call "CQ CQ your-call your-call"
3. Type your name in the Spot Search
4. See where you are heard around the world.
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