During COVID, Ham Radio Innovates Inspiring Record Breaking Remote Licensing


During COVID-19, Ham Radio is fun again! 

Hello Radio friends. First, it is our sincere hope that you and your family are well during this uncertain time of COVID-19. Our role as Ham Radio operators has been called into action like never before owing to Hollywood and your local news.

It's daily now that we find good news about how Ham Radio is playing a vital role in emergency response networks. One ARC President in California stated, “Ideally, you have at least one HAM radio operator embedded in each neighborhood.” [1] 

What can we do to help?

Recently, I contacted my (Idaho) Section Manager and asked how one could lend a helping hand. I was told there was a Section Emergency Manager position open, among others. There may be open positions in your region. Consider contacting your section manager to offer support or make an inquiry. The ARRL publishes contact information for each Section Manager. [2] 

Please help us, help you - New Product Polls, Survey! Survey is here

Hams are Innovating during COVID-19 - Online Testing is up, in record numbers

We have witnessed the Anchorage ARC KL7AA [3] lead the way to make Remote Online License Exams available nationwide and around the world thus contributing to a record number of licensed hams joining the ranks since the Coronavirus Outbreak. Yes, you can get licensed from your kitchen table! Thanks to the KL7AA team from the North.

Ham Radio License Testing Goes Remote: Meet KL7AA

Do you know anyone wanting to get a ham radio license? We've seen a spike in Ham Radio interest in the media and ARC Amateur Radio Clubs are answering the call to this surge in demand.

As mentioned above, the Anchorage ARC, in Alaska is offering Remote Ham Radio License Exams (VEC) whereby a newly minted Ham has his/her callsign issued within the hour of passing the test, again, from their kitchen table.

Have you heard of this? See the details of the pivot in thinking being done by the KL7AA team, here: https://kl7aa.org/vec/remote-testing/

New to Ham Radio? It's a Good Time To Tell Your Friends & Family About Ham Radio

With this surge in interest in disaster preparations, and your family's security in uncertain times, the Ham Radio spirit is alive and well. Now is a great time to tell your friends, family, and peer groups about our local and global hobby. As a lifeline, we are naturally well positioned for these unique circumstances. 

Now it's simple to get licensed and choose a quality radio and antenna delivered to your door. We like the ICOM 7300 for its low price, high quality, and versatility. This pairs well with our all-band antenna systems, the Stealth DX Vertical and DX Flagpole Antennas. This can be built, erected, and operational within an hour and notably without leaving the safety of your home. School kids build a Greyline Flagpole Antenna after school, finishing it before dinner. 

Please help us, help you - New Product Polls, Survey! Survey is here

20M spot map by DXMAPS (today)

Would you like to know how loud you are on the bands and where in the world you are being heard? Try this easy 1-minute exercise for real results using Morse Code (CW or FT8):

FT8 Map showcases the entire planet "live" on the air.
See the map, here: https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html

RBN Signal Datahttp://www.reversebeacon.net/srch.php
1. Find a clear frequency in the CW band
2. Call "CQ CQ your-call your-call"
3. Type your name in the Spot Search
4. See where you are heard around the world.

Greyline Needs Your Help to Innovate 

At Greyline Performance, we would like to pivot our products and services to be even more useful during this time and beyond. Will you answer a few questions in our survey to help us learn more about you, our peer group? 

This survey is anonymous and helps us choose which product to launch next. 

Please help us, help you - New Product Polls, Survey! Survey is here

CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT: Meet Jerry, NC7U using FT8 and the 28' Greyline Flagpole Antenna 

Jerry uses the 28' DX Flagpole Antenna. He writes, "the band conditions have been bad but the good news is that the 28' flagpole antenna is working much better than I expected. With the EFLW, could only work the pacific and rarely heard Europe. Here is a snapshot of just a few minutes using WSJT-X (FT8) and PSK Reporter." - Jerry/NC7U 

Greyline: Thanks, Jerry! The Flagpole looks great and obviously gets out well too!


What Customers are saying

- "Real DX 160-6M at my HOA"
- "4 Band DXCC in 3-months at my HOA."
- "So pretty my XYL approves and now wants it in the front yard!"
- "If I can hear it, I can work it."


    Will you share your DX adventures with us? Please send in a picture or YouTube video of your shack, antenna, or some action shots of the bands coming alive. We'd love to share your story of good news with our peers around the world at large. Email: flagpoleantennas@gmail.com  - Thank you!

    Please take a minute for our New Product - Survey! Survey is here


    Greyling Performance Antennas logo


    • Greyline's List of Benefitshere
    • Greyline "Common Questions" here
    • Customer Reviews, here
    • YouTube videos, here
    • (Video) Afghanistan (T6AA) to Idaho: Robert hears Idaho using 100W + 24' DX Flagpole, here
    • (Audio Clips) KL2A/P at the beach, mountains, and more using his Go Kit (ski bag) ham radio station, here 
    • FAQs: See Videos, Technical Specs, Data, Stories, Pictures, Graphs, and Performance measures in our FAQs. Start, here
    • DX Flagpole featured on "Ham Talk Live" Episode 188 titled "Stealth Antennas & HOAs?" Listen to the audio, here
    • Using his DX Flagpole Bill, K3WA routinely amasses 1000+ Q's in a weekend plus a "Clean Sweep" in the November CW Sweepstakes?  See his station pictures, here
    • Please take our QTH Product Survey to help us select our next product launch, here
    • Please take our Remote Tuner Survey to help select quality antenna tuning units for you, here
    • Greyline Status Updates, here
    • XYLs have been reported to say, "Install it in the front yard." 
    Smarter, Stronger, more Elegant (aesthetically pleasing for the most discerning partners, neighbors, & XYLs) - Yep, you're welcome!



    News Article: https://www.hmbreview.com/news/ham-radio-operators-seek-greater-role-in-emergencies/article_c0e228b8-0657-11ea-9f93-53cb1b5fb037.html?fbclid=IwAR3WeWYrGZUftA3uZMqSKfZC_3f1lnSWdg9iZpe01g2vFnRFyb36n7E8PAM
    ARRL Section Managers List: http://www.arrl.org/sections
    Anchorage ARC: https://kl7aa.org/vec/remote-testing/
    Club Log Most Wanted List: https://secure.clublog.org/mostwanted.php


    • Jesse, Try this… https://kl7aa.org/vec/remote-testing/

      Greyline Performance
    • Would like more info on taking test at home .

      Fields Jesse
    • Very nice page. Congratulations.

      Jose Miranda


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