HR 9670 Bill to Eliminate HOA Restrictions on Amateur Radio Antennas


Bill to Eliminate HOA Restrictions on Amateur Radio Antennas

H.R. 9670 (re-introduced as H.R. 4006) -- the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act

Hey fellow ham! We know the struggle of dealing with a picky HOA, especially when it comes to antennas. But fear not,Greyline Performance is here to help!

We've been successfully shipping Flagpole Antennas to even the strictest HOAs for years. Yes, you read that right – even those that make yours seem like a walk in the park! Why? Because our antennas are designed to blend seamlesslyinto your environment, offering unmatched performance without the eyesore factor.

See that bill recently introduced in Congress? It's meant to ease the minds of hams like you who might not yet realize they already have the right to enjoy a powerful DX antenna in their HOA-governed space. And at Greyline, we guarantee it.

We're proud to serve the ham radio community and help you conquer the airwaves without the HOA hassle. So go ahead, explore our Flagpole Antenna options and get ready for some serious DXing!

P.S. Don't forget to check out our testimonials from satisfied hams who've successfully navigated the HOA minefield with Greyline antennas!


Update: June 3, 2024: Major win for HOA residents. Bill in Congress has been introduced to the Senate. A big win so far. Can you help?

While ARRL suffered on other fronts recently, the ARRL Legislative Activities Committee enjoyed a big win.

On May 14th, the Vice-Chair of the relevant subject matter committee in the U.S. Congress (Rep. Randy Weber, R-TX-14) signed on as a co-sponsor of our bill to aid HOA residents. We now hope to get others on the relevant sub-committee of the House Energy & Commerce Committee to co-sponsor (“to sign on to”) our bill. Can you help?

To find a list of the members of the Sub-committee on Communications & Technology, see: 

Do you know any of these people? Even if you don’t live in a district listed, if you are  member of a club based in that district, please let me know.

If you would like to see a copy of the bill, just ask me. 

Your two ARRL volunteer lawyers engaged in lobbying this bill in Washington are Gulf Director John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, and me. The bill has already been introduced in the Senate with both a Republican and a Democrat as co-sponsors. If you can help us lobby another member of the House Communications & Technology subcommittee, please let me know.

Fred Hopengarten, Esq.   K1VR

Past Director, New England


Update: June 13, 2023: Congressmen Bill Johnson & Joe Courtney reintroduced H.R.4006 to remove private land use restrictions on the ability of Amateur Radio operators from operating & installing reasonable antennas & encourage ham radio operations as a public benefit. Find the full Bill links, here

Update: January 1, 2023: It's not widely known... on December 31, 2022, the short-lived thrill around the Ham world fizzled out and the Congressional Bill went dead as the old Congress tossed out all pending Bills (HR 9670 included) leaving a fresh-slate for the incoming Congress. Without knowing how Congress works in Washington DC one can find some evidence alongside the date of the Bill [2021-2022 Congress].

For HR 9670 to have a fighting chance, the Bill must be re-introduced to Congress in the 2023-2024 season. Otherwise, it doesn't exist.

Why did the ARRL submit this just before the closing bell for the departing Congress? Did they not know it was being tossed out within the week? Maybe it's best to offer that there is a capable team working on this, and these things take time and awareness to come to pass. You be the judge.


Original Blog post from December 2022: 

Have you heard the good news?

A group of ARRL representatives are working closely with lobbying efforts and a Sponsor to present a just cause to Congress, the proper pathway to enactment.

There will be more information available on how YOU can help by contacting your State officials. We encourage you to TUNE IN to this effort underway in our Nations Capital and soon, we hope in your neighborhood too. That's good news.


Written by Roanoke Division Director N2ZZ:

A Christmas message of hope.  ARRL has worked with Congress to introduce legislation which would bring relief to those operators living in communities, neighborhoods and subdivisions with antenna restrictions.

For the past three years, ARRL's Legislative Advocacy Committee has met with congressional leaders and staff to develop a bill containing language which can realistically pass and become law.  U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio 6th District) introduced H.R. 9670 -- the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act.  Rep. Johnson plans to refile the bill in the upcoming 118th Congress when that session convenes in January. Other sponsors are being lined up to support the bill and ARRL will be developing programs where members can contact their House representatives to support the legislation.

Antenna relief is critical to many Hams... (snip) We have all heard from members frustrated at attempts to get on the air in antenna restricted communities.  This is especially true in areas with high concentrations of housing units, especially near cities in metropolitan areas.  Many Hams have complained they have little choice in housing in some areas, especially if they need to be close to work.  Also, an increasing trend are Hams who are downsizing into retirement and senior communities with antenna restrictions. According to building trade associations, an estimated 70%-90% of new housing has private deed covenants, many of which contain antenna restrictions.

Another benefit which H.R. 9670, the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act will bring is encouragement to those who live in communities with antenna restrictions to become licensed for the first time. The title of bill H.R. 9670, the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act emphasizes that Amateur Radio operator volunteers offer emergency communications in natural and manmade disasters at no cost to the public.




How to Order a Flagpole Antenna, checklist.



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  • "Real DX 160-6M at my HOA"
  • "4 Band DXCC in 3 months at my HOA."
  • "So pretty my XYL approves!"
  • "If I can hear it, I can work it."

Our Mission:
At Greyline, it's our Mission to serve you by offering higher-quality products that truly enhance your Ham Radio experiences. Standing up to Hurricanes is just a bonus. Antennas that work Real DX and that the ladies can love too. Now that is smarter, stronger, and more elegant for you and your family's security. We are delighted to serve you.

Let's enjoy the adventure, together. Until next time...

73 Greyline Performance
Ph. 435-200-4902 

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Please take our 160M Survey

This survey reads like a Q&A of how to turn your 20-24' Flagpole Antenna into an 80-160M Real DX antenna for those using the lower impedance range (low cost) tuners 




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