Greyline makes the Cover of CQ Magazine from Montenegro - September 2021
Greyline’s KL2A and friends on the Cover of CQ MAGAZINE
SEPTEMBER 2021Pictured L-R: Marko, Ranko, Jon, Rich, Dragisa.
Recently KL2A traveled to (4O) Montenegro...
Upon arrival in 4O, the ocean front village greeted us with a festive, friendly reception of authentic foods and a vibrant social fabric. It seemed that we were the only Americans in the whole country. This was the type of trip that naturally offered more than enough leisure time for after meal espresso and the easily allowable excuse to pull over at just one more fine establishment for a cold refreshment, to escape the summer sun.
Recently Jon, KL2A (of Greyline Performance) traveled to Montenegro in Southern Europe to discuss a few ideas along his path seeking never-ending improvements for his customers by asking our Montenegrin friends, "How can we make this better?"
Jon said, "We made the cover of CQ Magazine! This is literally a snap shot of a few radio friends, compelled by the movable feast of the perfect pile-up or winning the jump ball in that collectible DX opening. Without knowing it, what is elusive for many in the photo, but is in the air there, we created the very sense we sought to find, the rare memories only found in radio, all caught in the wild while overlooking a legendary Adriatic super-station, surrounded by salt water, in Southern Europe. Doesn't sound real, does it?" says KL2A.
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Travel-Blog: Excerpts from 4O/KL2A - Montenegro, Europe
Upon arrival in 4O, our friends in this ocean front village greeted us with a hand shake, a hug and a warm smile. A festive, friendly reception of authentic foods and a vibrant social fabric. We were what seemed likely the only Americans in the country of Montenegro!
This was the type of trip that naturally offered more than enough leisure time for a long-pour espresso or a cold Nikšićko Gold in the summer shade at any cafe along the azure coastal beaches, and we experienced many of them while sharing an ongoing radio discussion that followed us along every winding road and cobblestone alley, entertaining us the entire length of our stay. Not to miss copy a single callsign.
The welcomed rhythms of the surf below propagated over the sun hardened window frames of the cafe we were welcomed to enjoy, as if the frequency of these waves ever so slightly spiced to exotic perfection, our radio-style QSO's.
Leading into the weekend the superstations mountain top antenna farm, that seemed to watch our progress along the city streets on the opposite shore beamed down to the ocean bay (pictured behind us above), the surrounding Adriatic Sea was surely storing dB's for the weekends IARU contest. We engaged ham radio remote technology to control the hilltop radio station in the distance from the air conditioned comfort along a shiny office desk reflecting Flex Radio control panels onto the screen. The signals of the world at large funneling into the logbook, preparing our Team USA Captain for a hopeful future WRTC event being staged in the region.
Our WRTC Captain offered a terse look, a determined poise, maybe even a smile from a battle won, and most certainly a well placed shout was heard from our USA sojourner who skillfully steered the massive array of aluminum and steel into the night of ions. 4O3A was on the air and 3Whiskey bounced his electrons off the heavens above one more time, like a lasso snapping flies from the starry sky.
I made another espresso.
Amateur Radio indeed is the greatest Fraternity on Earth. Where else can one develop International friendships, in every country around the world no less, to then easily enjoy a discussion that follows your every move, through the travelogue?
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WRTC: World Radio Team Championships (Radio Olympiad)
At Greyline Performance, we are honored to serve you in this way. Ham Radio is fun again! Pass it on.
See you on the radio bands...
73 Greyline Performance