Nationwide HOA Approvals and Antenna Zoning For the Radio Amateur

Hello Ham Radio Friends,

Requesting radio antenna HOA approval stories! Please share and let's get our friends back on the radio waves with us!

Do you have any HOA approval stories of your ham radio antenna that you can share with our radio community? 

Please send us an email. Thank you.

We're looking for a few good HOA success stories that point out the basic process and approach taken to gain approval for your antenna in the HOA deed restricted neighborhood. This would be so helpful to our community at large. 

Let's help our radio community to see how reasonably simple it is to gain approval and get back on the air.

Offering a Ham Radio service to our peers is an honor and is so fun for us. We hear from 'all types' as we are a large global fraternity of ham radio operators. That said, we receive colorful and often times very funny emails from the WWW that poke fun at the DX Flagpole and the idea some need an approval to put up a DX Flagpole in an HOA community. Deed restrictions are present all over the world and yet our ham radio operator friends are gaining approvals and returning to the airwaves with real DX Confidence.

Do you know someone that could use a boost to get back on the air? Please, pass it on!


Thank you, for the opportunity to serve you in this manner.

The common theme of our day are the stories of people around the world getting back On the Air with a real signal, with a real zest for the hobby once again, some for the first time in 20 or even 30 years! 

Did you hear about Bill who replaced his stealth wire loop with a DX Flagpole HF Radio Antenna? Bill is a customer that is likely on his radio right now! He told us about his adventures on the low bands and couldn't be more thrilled to be working his friends literally all around the world once again (and at the time of writing here the conditions are not that great this time of the cycle!) on his Ham Radio with a 20' DX Flagpole Antenna, from his HOA restricted QTH! See Bill's vertical dipole antenna here.

Like what you see? Consider one of our Greyline Performance DX Flagpole Antenna bundle packages for your QTH or consider telling a friend about these No Radial OCF HF antenna systems that get you on All Bands between 80-6M on one pretty vertical dipole, a real Flagpole! Yes, even in your HOA community! Your XYL will know the neighbors see a Flagpole, you'll see a ticket to the Bands.

That reminds me, there is a gentleman now ARRL New England Division Director who wrote the book on "Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur" that is helping direct radio ops like us get back on the air again too. 

Want to put up a tower and not sure about what's ahead for you or just need a little more security when applying for HOA approval for your DX Flagpole Antenna?

Introducing Fred, K1VR. A snippet from his website that provides even more information on how to find and buy Fred's content-rich book... you'll be glad to have that reference in your library.

Amateur Radio - Antenna Zoning Book

Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur 
Second Edition

-- By Fred Hopengarten, K1VR

  • Everything you and your attorney need to know to obtain a permit for your antenna-support system. 
  • What to do when things turn ugly after your antenna system is up.    

Don't let the confusing tangle of ordinances and by-laws keep you from installing the antenna you need in order to communicate effectively! In recent years, many cities and towns have enacted ordinances designed mainly to regulate cellular antenna structures. Unfortunately, hams have sometimes been caught in the backlash of regulatory overkill. This book describes proven techniques and strategies that a ham and his or her attorney can use to obtain an antenna-structure permit (also includes material on Canadian law and regulation, by VE6SH). You will learn ways to respond to a wide variety of complaints after the permit has been obtained, if the town, or your neighbors, turn sour. 

Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur has been updated! The Second Edition, with about 65% new text and 80% new information on the CD, including a whole lot of new ideas on CC&R situations, is available from the ARRL Bookstore (, order no. 1192), or ARRL publication dealers ( HRO and Array Solutions have the book in stock, ready to ship.



Let's get you and your friends back on the air again. Please send in your story about how you gained HOA approval for your DX Flagpole Antenna. 

We'll see you on the bands very soon!

73 Greyline Performance


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