KJ7CWQ 16' DX Flagpole Antenna + SGC-237 Remote Tuner works 160-6M with ease (pictures)

"160-6M with the 16' DX Flagpole and SGC-237 Remote Tuner! Excellent solution for HOA community ham radio operation."

This 16’ flagpole antenna is of very good quality and was easy to assemble. I chose to do a concrete foundation and when that was done it was up in no time. Propagation has not been good, but I have made contacts on 40 meters to the Pacific Northwest with my longest to Hawaii (I live near Phoenix, AZ). I am looking forward to better performance when the bands open this winter.
Pictures of Roy's: Ground hole, ground mounting, PVC, remote tuner support, ground assembly, installation.
Roy with his toys... See Roy's QRZ page, nice ride, Roy!
Roy, KJ7CWQ writes:
"I purchased the 16’ flagpole antenna which is of very good quality and was easy to assemble. I chose to do a concrete foundation and when that was done it was up in no time. Propagation has not been good, but I have made contacts on 40 meters to the Pacific Northwest with my longest to Hawaii (I live near Phoenix, AZ). I am looking forward to better performance when the bands open this winter.
The antenna is 30’ from my shack and I am feeding it with LMR-400 into an SG-237 coupler at the base of the antenna. My rig is a Yaesu FT-991a.
SWR’s: 160m 2.0, 80m 1.75, 40m 1.5, 30m 1.25, 20m 17m 1.10, 15m 1.25, 12m 1.0, 10m 1.5, 6m 1.5.
In my community, we are restricted to flagpoles no taller than the peak of your house and they must be 10’ from the property lines. Other than that no permission required to install it. Now that it is up I had our community manager check it out and he thinks I can go a few feet taller. I ordered the 4’ extension kit from Greyline Performance so we will see if that increases the performance a bit. Too bad we can’t post pictures here.
Greyline Performance writes: Roy, your install looks beautiful. Way to install in style, keep the ladies happy and so glad to see the SGC providing you all bands with ease, and the 16'er too. BTW, nice car. It's going to be a fun winter season for you, sir.
Want to be like Roy?
Take a look at the 16' DX Flagpole Antenna "excellent for your HOA ham radio operation." and consider ordering one for your front yard too. It will work just like his, guaranteed that Ham Radio is fun again!
- "Real DX 160-6M at my HOA"
- "4 Band DXCC in 3-months at my HOA."
- "So pretty my XYL approves!"
- "If I can hear it, I can work it."
Let's get you and your friends back on the air. Ham Radio is fun again!

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