コレクション: Unleash the Frontiers of DX with Greyline Performance's Experimental Vertical Antennas


Are you a dedicated DXer pushing the boundaries of radio communication? At Greyline Performance, we understand your passion for innovation and performance. That's why we've curated this exclusive collection of experimental vertical antennas, ranging from 32 to 44 feet, designed for the intrepid amateur radio enthusiast.

These are not your typical off-the-shelf antennas. We're talking about cutting-edge designs, meticulously crafted to explore new possibilities in signal propagation and gain. Whether you're chasing elusive DX contacts or conducting advanced antenna design, our experimental verticals provide a platform of various HF wavelengths for unparalleled quality for your project exploration. (Example: recently a customer needed 4 OCF vertical dipole antennas for his array project.)

Why Choose Greyline Performance's Experimental Verticals?

  • Innovative Designs: We're constantly experimenting with new materials, configurations, and tuning techniques to deliver antennas that outperform expectations.
  • High-Quality Construction: Each antenna is built with durability and precision in mind, ensuring reliable performance even in challenging environments.
  • Optimized for DX: Our designs focus on maximizing low-angle radiation, essential for long-distance communication.
  • Flexibility and Customization: These antennas are designed to be adaptable as well as permanent in quality/design, allowing you to fine-tune performance for your specific needs.
  • Exploration and Discovery: Be on the leading edge of antenna technology and participate in our evolution.

Low Band Vertical Antennas focusing on 30-40-60-80-160M are popular in the winter months and we are listening to you. Ham radio operators will be pleased to try these taller OCF (off center fed) Greyline HF Vertical Dipoles.

But, buyer beware, longer is NOT always better, especially for the higher bands. Note the 43' vertical popular in Ham folklore exhibits a problematic high-angle of radiation above 30M. The pattern is good below 30M. For a Real DX pattern on all bands, including 20-6M (high bands) see our Legacy Line of Free-Standing 16-28' foot vertical antennas and Flagpole Antennas, for an efficient all-band solution. See the graphs illustrating this on any product page below.

Back to the low bands. Meet Greyline's 32', 36, 40, and 44 foot tall vertical dipoles. These DO require guying. Note: 2" OD antennas on the market over 24 feet tall require guying according to our Structural Engineer (especially when flying  a Flag!)

Where to get Guying Kits? You can DIY or purchase guying kits here and here from well known vendors.

Historically, Greyline has not manufactured antennas that require guying. We focus on all band free standing solutions. After a few customers asked for then tested taller verticals, we now offer them as available to you for a test run. Same high quality materials.

Look at this Example, 40' Antenna Picture of this Greyline Performance Flagpole antenna at 40 feet high, with guy lines, here. According to the model, this is just ~2-3dB less than a 66' full size vertical on 80M. When you can't go 66' up, this will do the job!

  • 44' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF multiband vertical dipole 160-6M
  • 40' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF multiband vertical dipole 160-6M
  • 36' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF multiband vertical dipole 160-6M
  • 32' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF multiband vertical dipole 160-6M