Ham Radio Blog | HF Vertical Antennas & HOA Flagpole Antennas, 160-6M
MARS Operator in HOA 28' Flagpole Antenna on the Ocean [PIC] | XYL approves
Oceanfront install of a 28' Flagpole Antenna in an HOA mounted on a dock used for MARS emergency communications and Ham Radio too. Wow! [See Photo] -
K8AXL in Michigan shows off his 24' Flagpole Antenna at Six Lakes
Gorgeous Ham Radio Flagpole Antenna at Six Lakes, Michigan! -
2019 Pricing is Back + Giveaway Season | Greyline Giving
2019 Pricing is back this week only. Plus, giveaway season is here. Submit your favorite super hero to be considered for a free antenna. We set aside several antennas for this cause. -
Picture of N7TBU + 24' HOA Flagpole Antenna in the Wyoming Night Sky
N7TBU sends a photo of his beautiful 24' HOA Flagpole Antenna in the Wyoming moonlit, night sky. Jeff says it's survived 60+ mph winds in Wyoming with no issues. 500+ contacts since install, all states and DX too... That's a nice Halo over the Flagpole too. -
Customer Review: 16' Flagpole Antenna in a Florida HOA by Ron KA8FTP/4
Ron KA8FTP/4 shares a pretty picture of his 16' HOA Flagpole Antenna flying 2 flags. -
Choosing the Perfect HF Vertical or Stealth Flagpole Antenna for Emergency Communication
You're proud of your new ham radio license and shiny Flagpole Vertical antenna. You want your family and friends to feel the same level of preparedness for disasters and emergencies. How would you say it? Here's one way to say it... You on the same page? -
KE6TT works Africa with his 24' HOA Flagpole Antenna & 100W on FT8
KE6TT/4 using his 24' HOA Flagpole Antenna works Africa DX with 100W on FT8. Tunes up FB from 160-10M with great SWR. See his antenna pictured, here. Ham Radio is fun again, pass it on. -
HOA-Friendly Ham Radio Antenna Options, XYL approved
Did you know HOAs are approving Flagpole Antennas in the front yard, nationwide? Some also offer approval for verticals in the backyard as well. Learn more about HOA & XYL-approved ham radio antennas, and pass It on. -
List of Free Weekly Amateur Radio Operation Zoom Classes #hamradio
List of Free Online Ham Radio Operating Courses via Zoom. Help, Tips, and How To DIY, etc. Refresh your operating techniques with a Free Amateur Radio class with K3RA. Pass it on... -
Here's Why the 6M-10M Bands Are Coming to Life on Ham Radio
Anyone paying attention to 6 meters recently has noticed unusually frequent 6-meter DX for this time of year. Here's some research & data. Have fun!
How to Enjoy this weekend's Battle of the Titans + Little Pistols Too
Ham Radio is a Spectator Sport. Tune in this weekend for the latest, Clash of the Titans (and little pistols too). It's going to be a lot of fun on the air. Join us. -
Step by Step Guide Tips to Working DXpedition 3Y0J #hamradio
Greyline Performance Flagpole's are working into 3Y0J , plus fresh tips by Radio Guru W3LPL on how to "Increase your chances of working 3Y0J." Have fun...