How to Enjoy this weekend's Battle of the Titans + Little Pistols Too
Ham Radio is a Spectator Sport: This weekend's Ham Radio Battle of Titans & Little Pistols too.
Are you new to Ham Radio or returning to the hobby after some time away? Are you curious about what friendships and comradely with Amateur Radio are looking like these days?
Did you know 10k-50,000 stations are on the air during a given contest weekend competing for fun & bragging rights all year long? (or just to get the friends together for some fun on the radio) [1]
This weekend is just such a weekend. A radio contest called ARRL SSB [2] is upon us. A competition that centers all the attention upon North America: USA and Canada, in the sideband portion of the Ham Bands from 160-10M.
This means the entire planet of Amateur radio aficionados are pointing their antennas to North America for the entire weekend looking to make contact with as many States and VE Provinces as possible (Mongolia, Laos, Africa, etc, etc.) on each of the ham bands, looking for you and vice versa, as you'll want to work them too. [3]
Here's our setup for the weekend ahead.
We have here one of our team of four friends that have convened upon a lucky pal's tropical QTH above the ocean, pointing our antennas to the USA/Canada, just waiting for you to find us after the starting bell on Friday evening. We have work yet to do but have antennas up and radios on the table. We're now left scratching our heads about how the computers will network for 2 of us at a time but that's another story... (and part of the fun)
There are many teams just like us getting together, networking radios and computers, testing SWR, talking radio stories (oh, those stories get better every year), and of course, finding the next restaurant for the evening. You know the drill...?
Here's a picture for the ladies (show your XYL) so they know we aren't total barbarians. Flowers below the antennas, and the token Infiniti pool for those more civilized than our group who walk around it looking for places to hang wires, as any respectable ham will admit. Right?

Will you get on the air and experience the action, or ahem, mayhem?
It's going to be a thrill whether you are new to the hobby or getting back on to enjoy the uptick of Cycle 25. [4]
Contest within a Contest: Ham Radio Is A Spectator Sport
Yes indeed. You can watch your favorite teams from the comfort of your home computer.
Watch the various radio ops and radio teams in their selected categories duke it out on the bands. Surely someone you know or a club member is competing in the ranks as hs are listed.
The fun ones to watch might be your local club, the region you are in, and maybe the Caribbean teams that travel for this time away from their families (in most cases) just to have some good old-fashioned ham radio fun. Beaming your way.
Be sure to look for VP5M, ZF5T, ZF1A, PJ2T, and of course the KL7 (Alaskans), KH6 (Hawaiians), and the KP2 and KP4 guys in the US Virgin Islands too. All the artillery is pointed at the USA from each of these regions and more. Ham Radio is fun again.
There is an intelligent approach to determining where to find a station on the air and a myriad of helpful tools to discern if the signal is workable. Consider trying these DIY steps below for your best chance at finding and working the DX'pedition. Try to find them on all 6 bands from 160-10M or wherever you have appropriate antennas.
- Reverse Beacon - first, type in the callsign of the station you are hunting. We look at the RBN network to see if they are currently on the air and if so, where they are being heard (CW & Digital modes only) For SSB check the spot network.
- DXMaps - Let's then open DXmaps for a quick look at what other parts of the world are coming through for us, and them. Helpful to ascertain how many might be calling them and what the signals might be like that we are dealing with. (note the Greyline day and nighttime paths)
- - Have trouble hearing them well at your QTH? It's okay, they are pretty far away! It may take time, maybe 24 hours to get a full cycle of their peaks and best times for your region. In the meantime, you can get a sense of their rhythms (how they work the pile-ups) by tuning in from the various online SDRs such as this one in Europe that has a rural and quiet listening location - Give that a listen...or maybe an east coast station listed for that side of the continent.
Here is a shot of VP5M Antennas in the Caribbean:
Struggling to get a good signal on the bands?
There will be 100s of radio ops from the USA using Greyline Antennas from their home and HOA. Are you one of them? Let us know how the contest is going for you. Email us your thrills and spills, the results?
Want to have more fun on the bands? Try Greyline, it is built Smart, Strong & Elegant. HOAs & XYLs Approve! Plus 7-Year Warranty, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, & Free Shipping too. You're welcome.
How to Order a Flagpole Antenna, checklist.
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HOA Flagpole Antennas
DX Vertical Antennas
Our Mission:
At Greyline, it's our Mission to serve you by offering higher-quality products that truly enhance your Ham Radio experiences. Standing up to Hurricanes is just a bonus. Antennas that work Real DX and that the ladies can love too, now that is a win/win. That's smarter, stronger, and more elegant for your and your family's security. We are delighted to serve you.
Let's enjoy the adventure, together. Until next time...
73 Greyline Performance
Ph. 435-200-4902

- LIST OF BENEFITS for Greyline Performance Antennas
- Common Questions from Ham Radio Customers
- 16' DX Flagpole Antenna and SGC-237 remote tuner works 160-6M (install pictures) at KJ7CWQ
- Beautiful Flagpole Antenna, regularly work DX (Africa, Europe, SA) with 60W on FT8 and CW at WJ8B
- "Happy XYL" in Pennsylvania: New Ham says "happy wife, quiet bands & loud signals! Going for my Extra."
- Do I really need a Tuner at the Base of my Greyline Flagpole Antenna and HF Vertical Antenna
- 28' HF Vertical Antenna in New Mexico reports "good reports about strong signals"
- 20' Flagpole Antenna, Bill in Florida one-calls XR0ZRC with 100W & runs the bands after 30-years off the air!
- 24' Flagpole Antenna: K7CWC Cliff in Washington (W7) is spotted around the World on his Greyline 24' DX Flagpole
- Greyline makes the Cover of CQ Magazine from Montenegro - September 2021
- Surf Ham Radio Waves with KL2A
- Blog: Ham Radio Adventure Stories
- My XYL Love the Greyline Flagpole Antenna
- For YLs: Ham Radio Love Connection
- Samantha forms a Womens Ham Radio Friendship Club