Do I really need a Tuner at the Base of my Greyline Flagpole, HF Vertical?

Do I need a Tuner at the Base of the Vertical or can I use desktop or shack tuner?

We get this question often and we do urge our radio op friends to consider using a remote tuner at the antenna. Still, many folks find great success on the bands using their manual or auto tuner in the shack, and they are very happy with the results.

With short coaxial runs to the antenna system losses may be overlooked. Some bury coax or ladder line too for lowering losses. That's okay. We do believe strongly the tuner at the antenna is the best way to keep efficiency at the highest levels. Again, lots of radio ops are working the world with the tuner in the shack and everything in between. Here we talk a little more about the differences and present options for alternative feeding and matching systems below.

Rig ATU: The tuner inside your radio is likely not strong enough to tune (owing to a narrow impedance, or tuning range) a multi-band antenna on more than a couple of the bands. These rig tuners are meant to resolve a rather small mismatch. As the Greyline OCF HF antennas are designed as non-resonant antennas they therefore require a quality matching network to achieve the high efficiency we have designed for you to enjoy across 160-6M. Remember, the remote tuner does the same job as the unsightly stubs, coils, traps, etc., only prettier. Your family will appreciate this!

Desktop ATU: Most desktop tuners on the market will do the job easily from 160-6M and this is a very popular method that works loads of DX and passes important traffic, we are sure of that. Please know, the tuner at the vertical is the lowest loss option that we offer to feed your antenna system. If you choose this method we ask you to consider using best of breed RF Choking at the antenna to mitigate any CMC (common mode current).

Remote Tuners: The advent of remote tuners that can be installed at the antenna has been a benefit to our antenna systems for the Amateur Radio enthusiast. They are cost effective and work well for the needed job. Each ATU that we recommend on this website indeed work well to tune the vertical radiator to every frequency you may desire. Some are better than others too. Look closely at the power ratings and impedance range to ascertain the level of quality your selection may offer your favorite band use and modes of operation. In any case, all of the remote tuners on our website do the job nicely and you'll be very pleased at how easily they match up together. 

Home Brew Tuning Options: We have a wide variety of clients and as much feedback on this subject. We have compiled a few methods that seem to work very well for our customers. 

Alternative Methods to Feeding your Antenna, here


We'd like to hear from you below. What method are you using? How is it working for you?



As the bands are now improving, will you share your DX adventures with us? Please send in a picture or YouTube video of your shack, antenna, or some action shots of the bands coming alive. We'd love to share your story of good news with our peers around the world at large. Email:  - Thank you!

At Greyline Performance, we are honored to serve you
, our peers, with a more useful service. Smarter designs, Stronger materials and engineering, and a more Elegant aesthetic demeanor. Approved by HOA and XYL's too. 


73 and DX!


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