DX Flagpole Antenna, a passport to Real DX in your HOA.

DX Flagpole Antenna, a passport to Real DX in your HOA, 160-6M, and no radials! 

Hello Radio Friends, 

One of our happy customers, Bill, sent us an enviable image of Old Glory waving in the DX at his QTH, offering him a passport to the adventure on the short waves! You can imagine the palm fronds and flag waving proudly in the wind... notice the pole doesn't move! Bill is certainly working DX right now… can you hear it?

“The DX Flagpole is 2-3 S-units louder on first tests versus the loop on 20/17M.”

dx flagpole, customer, review, blog, feedback, old glory


In addition to the splendor and beauty, he states that he is “so glad to be working guys on 80M, for the first time in 20 years!” and “The DX Flagpole is 2-3 S-units louder on first tests versus the loop on 20/17M.”

"XR0ZRC ... one-called him.  Not bad for a 20’ OCF Vertical Dipole and 100 watts."

Update 03-13-2019: "Interestingly, one of the big DX deals going on right now is Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe), XR0ZRC. The pile-ups have been enormous. I caught him on 20 CW the other morning at 13:11Z just as 20M was opening up here. He evidently had just moved to 20 as the pile was small, I caught the previous station working split and one-called him.  Not bad for a 20’ OCF and 100 watts."

"Far more competitive than I expected." 

Update from Bill after ARRL SSB 2019 (weekend of March 2-3). If you were on the air at all during this contest you know even some of the fiercest of competitors pulled the plug about halfway through! It was lousy radio propagation conditions, even for the 200' tower guys. Here's more from Bill...


“So glad to be working guys on 80M, for the first time in 20 years!”

"By the way, I ran about 100 contacts in the ARRL Phone DX Contest over the weekend.  I could hear a ton of stuff in Europe and Asia. Also was on 20, 15, and 10. As you would expect with lousy propagation, 20 was a zoo. I still managed to put some European and Oceana stations in the log. In the pile-ups, I got a surprising number of 1 to 3 call contacts, far more competitive than I expected. Same thing on 15. Only half a dozen on 10M as it was only open for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon, and that was mostly to South America and the Caribbean."

Let's be like Bill and make ham radio even more fun, again...


See our antenna collections, here.

Ham Radio is fun again. Pass it on…
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  • HOA Approved + XYL-significant others and neighborhood too because it's a pretty, low profile single pole or Real Flagpole
  • No Radials! needed to achieve the high performance we stand behind + no guy wires either
  • All bands from 80-6M including WARC, MARS, etc. That's 10 ham bands!
  • High-Power (3 KW PEP) Rated Antenna Design and Feed System
  • Smart Design Rugged Engineering, Premium Materials. 80-100 MPH rating based on ANSI/NAAMM FP 1001-07 Regulations 
  • Best in Class Our OCF vertical-dipole line is 'as good or better' than any legacy brands of old on the market today.
  • >90% and better efficiency across all bands from 3.5 - 50 MHz (yes, really!)
  • Very Low Losses owing to the feed system and antenna design
  • Lower Angles than ground-mounted verticals (see performance specs!)
  • Available sizes 12', 16', 20', and 28' foot OCF Vertical Dipole radio antennas
  • Easy Install Dig 2-3' post hole, drop-in, plug n play! Have fun on all bands. 
  • Free Shipping in the USA + Competitive Worldwide Shipping
  • Remote Tuners are available now. Antenna+ATU bundles provide deep discounts on our customer's favorite Tuners. Choose your match today!

2 comentarios

  • Hi Robert,
    We have many customers who use the Icom AH-4 remote tuner. We tell folks to compare the impedance ranges of tuners we suggest and offer. The AH-4 is a powerful little unit widely used with antennas much smaller than our all band vertical antenna systems. You’ll have great luck on all frequencies from 80M on up.

    Ham Radio is fun again!

    Are you wanting have fun working Real DX on all bands, 160-6M from home or HOA? Let’s get our friends back on the air. Remember, our antenna systems are made Smarter, Stronger and more Elegent (even the XYL’s approve!)… Learn more, today.

    73 Greyline Performance

    Greyline Performance
  • Wonder how it would work with an Icom AH-4?

    Robert Pattee Jr.

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