Famous Ham Radio Prepper, Marlon Brando FO5GJ Tropical South Pacific
The elusive Marlon Brando FO5GJ, Ham Radio Prepper of the South Pacific
Did you know he was an Amateur Radio operator? He found adventure and anonymity, seeing the world from his Tiki ham radio shack. The stuff of dreams…
Many of us have dreamed of an exotic ham location or piece of gear, even if it’s just a better antenna in our backyard to live vicariously through those that escape to the land of adventures. Some of us have experienced it…
On that note, here's a peak into the life of Marlon Brando FO5GJ, his ham radio station, and his Yagi antenna proudly pictured in this LA Times Article. He really did it! Check this out…

FO5GJ, Marlon Brando’s Yagi Antenna on Tetiaroa, circa 1979. (Images Press / Getty Images)
Have you dreamt of a tropical outpost or mountain top QTH for your ham radio adventures? Many of us have... here's one close to us:
Legends in the Making: KL2A and his lifelong friends of Ham Radio (people like you and me!)
Maybe like Marlon Brando, and several amongst the ladies and gentlemen of our hobby today and certainly many friends of our own KL2A has experienced some of these tales of old first hand. Back in Jon's youth, sixteen to be exact, (KL2A) wasn't chasing fireflies like other lads. He was chasing adventures, the sound of morse code, his ears glued to the ham radio, yearning for faraway lands. The crackle of the airwaves carried not just chatter, but stories of exotic escapes. Tuning into contests and pile-ups over the North Pole from Alaska, Jon honed his skills, becoming a familiar CW signal on the bands for many overseas radio ops. Seasoned hams, their stories weathered by experiences similar to Hemingway, Brando and King Hussain of Jordan who popularized the romance of famous people of Ham Radio, recognized the spark in his Morse code – a kindred spirit with dreams as vast as the Oceans. Legend has it they saw an opportunity to share their own slices of paradise, inviting the young KL2A to experience their extraordinary QTHs around the globe. Starting at a mere sixteen, Jon embraced these adventures, accepting these invites, and over time of operating these super stations of renown, built his version of a legacy that's a true testament to the ham radio spirit. Here are a few callsigns (locations) Jon has visited over the years:
DX Calls used: Most of the travel occurred from 16-30 years old (before XYL + 5 kids) NL7GP, KL7Y (NL7G, WL7E), A52X, KP2A, PJ1B (PJ4B, PJ9B, PJ9EE), PJ2/KL2A, PJ2T, HR1B, YS1X, TG0AA, V47G, CT9M, KH7R, KH7X, VE7SV, VE7ZZZ, VP2VF, VP5M, VP5/KL2A, P40V, JH1AJT, 7J1YAJ, 9K2HN, A92, S21YX, S21YZ, A5A, HS0ZKL, N1V (Team USA Boston WRTC 2014), 4O/KL2A, ZF2A, ZF2B, ZF2GP.
These days, Jon is content giving back to the hobby that has been so good to him. He's often urging hams he touches that "If I can, anyone can do it." You can start right where you are, in your small lot or HOA community garden. XYLs approve, guaranteed. Let's get you on the air and well on your way to your own version of ham radio adventure. If you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do. Ham Radio is fun again, pass it on...
Do you have more information on FO5GJ? Please share with us, we'd like to post more stories and dialogue, right here.
Check out the antenna selection, here.
Current Promo:
$200-$500 off All Antenna Orders
+ All Kits (Ground kit, Feed kit, Flag kit)
+ Free Shipping (USA)
+ Low cost to DX
How to Order a Flagpole Antenna, checklist.
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HOA Flagpole Antennas
DX Vertical Antennas
Our Mission:
At Greyline, it's our Mission to serve you by offering higher-quality products that truly enhance your Ham Radio experiences. Standing up to Hurricanes is just a bonus. Antennas that work Real DX and that the ladies can love too, now that is a win/win. That's smarter, stronger, and more elegant for your and your family's security. We are delighted to serve you.
Let's enjoy the adventure, together. Until next time...
73 Greyline Performance
Ph. 435-200-4902

- LIST OF BENEFITS for Greyline Performance Antennas
- Common Questions from Ham Radio Customers
- 16' DX Flagpole Antenna and SGC-237 remote tuner works 160-6M (install pictures) at KJ7CWQ
- Beautiful Flagpole Antenna, regularly work DX (Africa, Europe, SA) with 60W on FT8 and CW at WJ8B
- "Happy XYL" in Pennsylvania: New Ham says "happy wife, quiet bands & loud signals! Going for my Extra."
- Do I really need a Tuner at the Base of my Greyline Flagpole Antenna and HF Vertical Antenna
- 28' HF Vertical Antenna in New Mexico reports "good reports about strong signals"
- 20' Flagpole Antenna, Bill in Florida one-calls XR0ZRC with 100W & runs the bands after 30-years off the air!
- 24' Flagpole Antenna: K7CWC Cliff in Washington (W7) is spotted around the World on his Greyline 24' DX Flagpole
- Greyline makes the Cover of CQ Magazine from Montenegro - September 2021
- Surf Ham Radio Waves with KL2A
- Blog: Ham Radio Adventure Stories
- My XYL Love the Greyline Flagpole Antenna
- For YLs: Ham Radio Love Connection
- Samantha forms a Womens Ham Radio Friendship Club