(Video) HOA Flagpole Antenna vs. Tropical Storm "Cristobal" - head on
"Watch as Greyline's HOA Flagpole Antenna faces head-on, 60-75 MPH GUSTS WITH THE FLAG UP!"
Note: We strongly recommend lowering the Flag when severe weather is expected. Mike didn't mind the show of strength.
What happened?
June 10, 2020: A brave customer wrote in with security footage captured during record-setting Cristobal as it blew through his Indiana home QTH this week.
"Two hours after installing the flagpole antenna Cristobal came to Indiana. The weathermen were predicting 40 mph gusts. Does this look like 40 mph gusts to you? Me either. Your product stood up to the storm without flinching. Shortly after the end of the video, we lost power for about two hours! Now the flag is just waving in the breeze. Remarkable.
Smarter, Stronger, and more Elegant multiband HF Antennas approved by XYLs & HOA and useful for Ham Radio, emergency prep, emcomm, emergency services, tactical field operations, and RV recreation too.
At Greyline Performance, we are honored to serve you our peers in this way. We see many of our customers on the bands working around the world. K3WA continues to rack up 1000+ Q's during a contest weekend, we see customers like 4Z1JJ working the entire planet on FT8, and our team continues to make antennas for the deserving. We are grateful to serve you.
Would you like to hear how your signal sounds and see what your signal report is, right now, all over the planet? You can. There are hundreds, if not thousands of SDR radio stations tuning the bands that will relay live audio of your signal, give signal reports, and a list of stations that hear your signal. All of this is done by remote ham radio operations listening across the entire ham band spectrum. Try these services, for free.
WebSDR: Simply select a location, tune the dial to your frequency, call CQ from home, and hear your signal from anywhere in the world!
Reverse Beacon Network RBN: (CW)
1. Find a clear frequency in the CW band
2. Call "CQ CQ your-call your-call"
3. Type your name in the Spot Search
4. See where you are heard around the world.
PSKReporter (digital modes) This service is much like the Reverse Beacon Network with a map visual.
Will you share your DX adventures with us? Please send in a picture or YouTube video of your shack, antenna, or some action shots of the bands coming alive. We'd love to share your story of good news with our peers around the world at large. Email: flagpoleantennas@gmail.com - Thank you!
Current Promo: $200 off All Antenna Orders
+ Includes All Kits (Ground kit, Feed kit, Flag kit)
+ Free Shipping (USA)
+ DX Shipping (EU $125+)
How to Order a Flagpole Antenna, checklist.
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HOA Flagpole Antennas
DX Vertical Antennas
We hope you enjoyed this story and were entertained by it. Maybe you remember a similar story in your youth. GL finding your rare ones. Ham Radio is fun again! Pass it on...
- "Real DX 160-6M at my HOA"
- "4 Band DXCC in 3 months at my HOA."
- "So pretty my XYL approves!"
- "If I can hear it, I can work it."
Our Mission:
At Greyline, it's our Mission to serve you by offering higher-quality products that truly enhance your Ham Radio experiences. Standing up to Hurricanes is just a bonus. Antennas that work Real DX and that the ladies can love too. Now that is smarter, stronger, and more elegant for you and your family's security. We are delighted to serve you.
Let's enjoy the adventure, together. Until next time...
73 Greyline Performance
Ph. 435-200-4902

Please take our 160M Survey
This survey reads like a Q&A of how to turn your 20-24' Flagpole Antenna into an 80-160M Real DX antenna for those using the lower impedance range (low cost) tuners.
- LIST OF BENEFITS for Greyline Performance Antennas
- Common Questions from Ham Radio Customers
- 16' DX Flagpole Antenna and SGC-237 remote tuner works 160-6M (install pictures) at KJ7CWQ
- Beautiful Flagpole Antenna, regularly work DX (Africa, Europe, SA) with 60W on FT8 and CW at WJ8B
- "Happy XYL" in Pennsylvania: New Ham says "happy wife, quiet bands & loud signals! Going for my Extra."
- Do I really need a Tuner at the Base of my Greyline Flagpole Antenna and HF Vertical Antenna
- 28' HF Vertical Antenna in New Mexico reports "good reports about strong signals"
- 20' Flagpole Antenna, Bill in Florida one-calls XR0ZRC with 100W & runs the bands after 30-years off the air!
- 24' Flagpole Antenna: K7CWC Cliff in Washington (W7) is spotted around the World on his Greyline 24' DX Flagpole
- Greyline makes the Cover of CQ Magazine from Montenegro - September 2021
- Surf Ham Radio Waves with KL2A
- Blog: Ham Radio Adventure Stories
- My XYL Love the Greyline Flagpole Antenna
- For YLs: Ham Radio Love Connection
- Samantha forms a Womens Ham Radio Friendship Club