Ham Radio Blog | HF Vertical Antennas & HOA Flagpole Antennas, 160-6M
AF1RO works Globally on FT8: 20' Flagpole Antenna, 50W, in HOA [PICS]
A model home install at AF1RO who works the Entire Planet with just 50W. That's Real DX. See Install Pics, his logbook, and a graphic Map of the World he's working into. -
Clean Install: 12' Flagpole Antenna in HOA, Picture of Remote ATU, Solar Light
Bob KC4OS sent in this photo of his 12' Flagpole Antenna with a Solar Light on top and Remote ATU installed on the desk siding. Stealth ham radio at its finest. -
Cycle 25 Peaks in 6-18 months | Get in on the Fun Ride the Ham Radio Shortwaves
Still plenty of time to enjoy the ham radio uptick to the peak of Cycle 25. See Graph. -
Teenage Amateur Radio Ops Featured on NBC's Today Show
A feel-good-story of Teenage Ham Radio Ops showing off their tech skills at a School Assembly. Featured on NBC Today Show
Ham Radio Christmas Greyline Flagpole Antenna for fussy HOA
$75 flat rate shipping to international countries, Shipping FREE in the USA. Prices marked down $200-500 USD off currently. Want it fast, request 2-day shipping for USA (free) for Christmas. -
Mapping DX Signals by N3FTO & his 20' HF Vertical Antenna in an HOA
Read about Paul-N3FTO's lucky DX experience using Greyline's stealth HF vertical antenna. He found its exceptional range and efficiency under his HOA constraints surprising. Paul excels on 10, 12, 20, and 40-meters, evidenced by working 4W and H44 Western Pacific expeditions using 100 watts & his 20' Vertical. Just look at his RBN signal reports around the world, here. -
YouTube Interview by W1DED: How They Win featuring KL9A & N6MJ Two Expert Ham Radio Ops
A must watch YouTube Interview by W1DED: "How They Win" featuring KL9A & N6MJ, Two Expert Radio Operators pushing operating to the outer limits of achievement. -
Beautiful Hilltop 24' HOA Flagpole Antenna in the Arizona Sunset | Real DX on Day 1
Beautiful Sunset Hilltop view of 24' Flagpole Antenna in the Arizona sunset. Great looking installation for Real DX! -
WD4MIR works KL7 Alaska on 80M with his 16' Flagpole Antenna
Jeff in Kentucky shows off his 16' HOA Flagpole Antenna after working Alaska on 80M from his HOA. He's also 85% towards achieving the 7-Band WAS, Worked All States Award. Ham Radio low bands are fun again! -
VIDEO of ZF2B Verticals louder than Yagi Antennas on a tall tower
VIDEO of signal differences between Greyline designed vertical antennas, shows how real DX is possible for all. This video taken from a USA ham show our HOA style vertical dipole antennas outperforming a Yagi on a tall tower. Tune in. -
Radio Adventures: Pics of Vertical Antenna Arrays at ZF2B | Worldwide Ham Radio Fun
Pictures of KL2A and his radio friends set up an HF vertical antenna array for CQWW SSB contest on the Cayman Islands. The "best conditions in 20 years" is happening now. Find ZF2B on 160-10M. Ham radio is fun again 🏖📻 -
MARS Operator in HOA 28' Flagpole Antenna on the Ocean [PIC] | XYL approves
Oceanfront install of a 28' Flagpole Antenna in an HOA mounted on a dock used for MARS emergency communications and Ham Radio too. Wow! [See Photo]
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