SHOP Greyline HF Vertical & Flagpole Antennas
28' DX Flagpole Antenna, Stealth HOA Vertical Antenna No Radials 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,700.00
- Sale price
- $1,700.00
28' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF vertical dipole for 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,650.00
- Sale price
- $1,650.00
24' HOA Flagpole Antenna, No Radials, Stealth HF Vertical Antenna 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,250.00
- Sale price
- $925.00
24' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF multiband vertical dipole 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,250.00
- Sale price
- $875.00
20' HOA Flagpole Antenna, Stealth HF Vertical Antenna No Radials 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,200.00
- Sale price
- $850.00
20' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF vertical dipole for 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,200.00
- Sale price
- $775.00
16' DX Flagpole Antenna, Stealth HOA HF Vertical Antenna No Radials 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,150.00
- Sale price
- $799.00
16' DX Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF vertical dipole for 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,100.00
- Sale price
- $750.00
12' HOA Flagpole Antenna, Stealth HF Vertical Dipole Antenna No Radials 80-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,100.00
- Sale price
- $750.00
12' DX Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF vertical dipole for 80-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,100.00
- Sale price
- $695.00
32' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF multiband vertical dipole 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,200.00
- Sale price
- $1,200.00
36' HF Vertical Antenna, No Radials, OCF multiband vertical dipole 160-6M
- Vendor
- Greyline Performance
- Regular price
- $1,300.00
- Sale price
- $1,300.00
HOA Ham Radio Woes? Conquer the Stealth Dilemma with a Flagpole Antenna
HOA Restrictions? Senators Reintroduce Legislation to Protect Amateur Radio Operators & HOA Restrictions
Harnessing the Power of Connection: Ham Radio in 2025 and Beyond
Fall Primer How to Prepare your Antenna for the Low Bands | Greyline Performance Guide
Greyline Antennas Guide to Ham Radio in an HOA: Performance, Design, Aesthetics
Palm Trees & Big Signals: DXpeditions vs. Your HOA-Friendly Greyline Flagpole
WB8UIN Reviews 28-foot Greyline Flagpole Antenna, Fantastic Performance!
W4ISA Reviews the Greyline 20' Vertical Dipole. Outstanding Performance & Quality
Famous Ham Radio Prepper, Marlon Brando FO5GJ Tropical South Pacific
K8AQM Review: Weekend of DX Wonders, The Powerful 20' HOA Flagpole Antenna, 160-6M
Stealth DXing: How Greyline Antennas Conquer Performance, Looks, & HOA Hassles
Defense Contractor Chose Greyline DX Flagpole Antenna, HOA-Approved Ham Radio Fun

AF1RO/4 works the Entire Planet: Greyline Antenna Signal Plotting Map
Global coverage is typical when using Greyline Antennas. See here, Andrew's signal covers the planet from his Florida HOA using just 50 Watts and the 20' Greyline Flagpole Antenna. His emergency communications prep is ready. You too can experience Real DX on 160-6M. The HOA and XYL approve of Smart, Strong, and Elegant stealthy Ham Radio antennas.
Bigger vertical antennas are NOT better!
We stacked the Greyline HF Vertical Antenna with no radials vs. the Mighty 43' Vertical with radials:
Key: *80M-red | 40M-blue | 20M-green | 15M-orange
Notice the 12' vertical antenna holds its own on 80M. The 16-foot works 160M many radio operators report to us. (see FAQs)
The 20-24-28' has even lower angle and a stronger punch for deeper DX performance.
The NVIS pattern is an added bonus to our Disaster & Emergency Communication Services clients. Regional welfare traffic handlers such as FEMA, MARS and ARES folks alike enjoy the added security and the elegance of a good looking Vertical Dipole or Flagpole Antenna.
FT8 operators love this antenna for its frequency hopping ability (ALE) to operate from 160-6M. Remote radio stations really enjoy this one. It's modern RF Tech afterall. What can you do with a real antenna for all bands?
Read more about the Benefits, here.
DX Flagpole Antenna vs. legacy vertical antennas
We have fond memories of the legacy brands over the decades so it made sense to us to look closer at them. Here we compare the Cushcraft R9 and Hy-Gain AV-680 along side our 20 and 28' DX Flagpole and DX Vertical Antennas using Professional antenna modeling software.
The R9 and AV-680 do have a pretty pattern and they are similar in height to our Greyline Antennas, at 25-30' tall.
The R9 and AV-680 are often bristling with lossy and unsightly stubs, traps, loading coils, and capacitive hats. That doesn't help gain approval with the ladies, family, or the likes of your neighbors. They aren't HOA approved either, not without a dose of deception and that's simply, uncomfortable. [Hint: our Flagpole is built to Federal Flagpole Statutes, it's a real Flagpole.]
No-Radials: So, you're looking for a Real DX antenna for 160-6M, would like approval from the XYL and HOA and don't want to lay down 100+ radials to achieve high performance, right? Consider smarter, stronger and more elegant for your QTH. Your family and neighborhood will thank you!
Pro Tip: Before you buy, understand why we focus on efficiency. Less-loss in dB's on both transmit and receive are considered to equal higher performance. Every dB counts! We have you covered. Learn more in our FAQs.
Ham Radio is fun again.

> 90% efficiency with a 20' DX Flagpole Antenna
Using modern Professional antenna design software and 30+ years of professional antenna design experiences, we have calculated this Antenna System's efficiency at greater than >90% when an antenna tuner is installed near the feed point.
Here's an example for you. The low power and low noise ops such as QRP and FT8 radio ops value this higher efficiency as the RF power is available at the antenna where it belongs. Add to this a surprising attribute, an NVIS pattern is reported from our agency clients. That is it supports a strong regional efficiency on transmitted and received signals. It's a vertical dipole, lower noise. In emergencies, this is priceless. You have to hear it, to work the DX, right?
The professional industries enjoy the innate ALE aspect too. Frequency-hopping offers you instant band changes popular with digital mode ham operation, EOC & emergency communications services, HFT, and others requiring secure RF networks common with welfare and homeland security agencies.
The Image here showcases transmitted radiation patterns (angles) from 80-6M. A Horizontal antenna by comparison likely needs to be at 60-70' high to produce these angles on the lower bands. Notice there is no pattern breakup until 6M. A 43-foot vertical with radials won't produce this clean pattern across the bands.
Now you can work Real DX from home, office, or HOA, and look really good too. Your family will enjoy the compliments from the neighbors. Ham Radio is fun again. Pass it on.
XYLs & HOA Approve of the Flagpole & Vertical Antenna d'Elegance. It's a Real Flagpole & HF Vertical Dipole Antenna afterall.
Made in the USA using premium-only materials to the last detail. Aircraft-grade aluminum and seamless aesthetics impress the ladies. Industrial-strength fiberglass insulators at the feed and base, low-profile stainless hardware throughout, a high-power feed system, and RF Chokes too, all details have been designed for plug-and-play, instant-on operation. The default ground sleeve is smart and robust lending further confidence for your various mounting scenarios: tilt-mount, bulkheads, docks, towers, rooftops, cabins, RV, marine boats, and lovely front yards like yours.
Zero requests for repairs during recent Hurricane Season! Yep, our wind ratings are rock solid and our evolution of revisions got it right. We focus on Smarter, Stronger & more Elegance while adhering to all Federal statutes, “Guide Specifications for Design of Metal Flagpoles,” ANSI/NAAMM FP 1001-07. (Yes, it is a real flagpole)
The most discerning XYL + high-end family and neighbors will be proud of your aesthetically pleasing Vertical or Flagpole Antenna.
Your family will enjoy the compliments and your log will be full of Real DX experiences, the kind you are dreaming of. But don't take our word for it, see what others are saying.
One happy customer reports: "4 Band DXCC this summer with my HOA Flagpole Antenna! My wife loves how it looks, thank you!" Ham Radio is fun again!

Let's compare the Greyline 12-28' heights for radiation angle & gain "punch"
Here we compare each of our Vertical Dipole / Flagpole Antenna designs side by side for angle and depth of gain in telling graphical plots. Notice the low band improvement between the 20' and 28' but also notice the 12' and 16'ers holding their own on 80 and 40M too! A real win for those more restrictive HOA QTHs. Pro Tip: All are aesthetically approved by XYLs and can be dressed up nicely with flowers around the base. Hint. Hint.