Fall Primer How to Prepare your Antenna for the Low Bands | Greyline Performance Guide

Seasonal Primer: How to prepare your antenna system for the Low Bands: 60-80-160 Meters (Greyline Performance Guide)

Unlock the magic of low-band communication with Greyline antennas and our easy-to-follow troubleshooting tips!

With fall and winter season ahead (and the high bands roaring too with the peak of Cycle 25 upon us at the time of writing) we want to be sure our antenna systems are ready for low band DX season.

The Basics

  1. Do you believe you built the antenna correctly? (Yes, I followed the instructions)
  2. Is the Tuner in working order? (Yes, of course)
  3. Which end of the coax did you install. your tuner? (antenna side or radio side) Be sure the RF choke is on the feedline-side of the Tuner, in any case.
  4. Is the Tuner connected to ground? (Let's disconnect from ground for this test.) You can test the ground connection after confirming this is working.
  5. If the tuner is at the antenna site (remote tuner) Is the Tuner at least 6 inches off the ground supported by a non-conductive support such as PVC, wood, rock, etc.? if not, find a wooden chair to elevate it for the test here please.
  6. Is the upper, longer radiator side of the antenna connected to the center conductor of your coax? (Yep, I was sure to check it)
  7. Let's go test it with your radio...

This is where most of the SWR or "won't tune" problems arise and resolve.
Tuning up the antenna+tuner system is a very important aspect for the success of the process.

Problem #1: The customer simply expects the tuner to tune when he picks up his microphone. Won't happen.

Answer: For most Automatic Antenna Tuners (ATU) or Remote Tuners, you must apply power to the tuner for it to sense the frequency and then engage the tuning cycle to find a resonant match and tune. 

Testing the Setup

  1. Please turn OFF or BYPASS the radio's Antenna Tuner. We can use this later if needed.
  2. Switch your radio to AM Mode (or a digital mode). We want a solid key-down or tone for constant power to the ATU.
  3. Lower the output power to 15-25 Watts for this test.
  4. Select the SWR meter setting (you'll be watching the tuner resolve the SWR in real-time).
  5. Press Transmit (AM, ~20W) and hold it until the tuner completes its tuning cycle and release. This can take half a second to a few seconds.
  6. You can now switch to your favorite mode, increase to desired output power and have fun!

Tuning ALL Bands

  1. Let's tune up on another band, and repeat until you have tried all bands starting with 6 or 10M and work your way down to 80 or even 160M. 
  2. When completed with the tuning process through the bands, let's put the power back to 100W and select your favorite Mode (SSB, CW, FT8, etc.)
  3. Remember: When changing bands, you'll first want to switch to AM, 20W, and hit TRANSMIT for the tune, then return to the mode and power of your choice.

Note: Modern ATUs have tuning memories, 3000+ memories. By taking the tuner through all the bands in this fashion, you begin to train it for when you return to that band. On your return, it finds the tune rapidly. It memorizes the settings where you frequent most.

Example: For our 24' DX Flagpole Antenna, we use an LDG RT-100 that can tune, for example, 15M immediately after coming off of 80M in 1/2 second flat.

Tuning 60-80-160M

Most Greyline owners of 20-24-28' foot tall antennas find tuning down to 160M is a breeze and these folks are working DX 500-1000 miles routinely! That's pretty good for any station.

To be fair though, we have found that there are some that can not find tuning 160M easily. Typically, in these cases, their tuner is quite small and doesn't have the impedance-range or tuning-power needed to match that low frequency on the HF spectrum. Instead of purchasing a larger ATU, we created the 4' extension kit as another option, for the 20-24' models. It helps the bulk of these smaller tuners now find a tune on the low bands.

Are you on the low bands working DX? Need a boost? Try the 4' extension kit

How to think about SWR above 1:1

Regarding SWR, 1:1 SWR is the goal, of course, and that's a good goal. Tuners can drift a bit. You may come home one afternoon and the Tune that was 1:1 in the morning is now 1.3:1 or 1.8:1. This could be weather-related, or a squirrel hiding in your antenna (hope not). In any case, you can re-tune this band quickly by conducting the quick-tune process of (AM, 20W, TRANSMIT) once again and it will reset the memory to the newly Tuned SWR point.

Pro Tip: Re-tune your outboard ATU or take out this small SWR issue with your transceivers internal tuner.

Did you know that an SWR of 1.3, 1.5 and even 2:1 is fine for everyday operating. 1:1 is better but out of concern for details, doubtful it will keep you from working the station you are wanting to connect and likely won't harm your equipment as it's a small amount of SWR. Retune your Remote or Desktop Tuner at will, or take out the small detuning with your rigs internal SWR. Just remember to turn this ATU off again when you change bands to reset to the normal operating mode.

Let's Test your Signal Around the World RIGHT NOW on ANY or ALL bands? 

Here's a fun exercise to see what your signal strength is anywhere in the world, right now. It's easy... Note: Greyline antennas work the entire planet so don't be surprised! 

Using CW or FT8 mode you can check their signal without needing to call a friend to listen in. Hint: Daytime now? Try 30-10M. Dark now? Try 20-30-40-60-80-160M for this test. 


You can get live signal reports on the bands, right now. Yep, there are hundreds of SDR radio stations tuning the bands that will report live audio and live signal reports of your signal. All of this is done by remote ham radio stations, SDR, and RBN technology, listening across the entire ham band spectrum 24/7 just waiting to report to you, your signal. Try these services, for free.

Click to this page: Reverse Beacon Network RBN: (CW)

1. Find a clear frequency in the CW segment of ANY band you choose (tune up first) 
2. Call "[CQ CQ] [your-call] [your-call]" a few times to get your signal out there
3. Type [your-callsign] in the Spot Search window under the HF tab
4. It will show you where you are heard around the world, LIVE on a MAP and offer you a SIGNAL report in dB.

(digital modes) This service is much like the Reverse Beacon Network with a visual map too.

WebSDR: (any Mode) After you have a sense of where you are being heard, you can select a location likely to hear you, tune the dial to your transmit frequency back home, call CQ from home, and hear your signal from, anywhere in the world!

Additional Tip:

Want to see what bands are open in your area right now?

Check this out: DXMAPS.COM - click the bands tab for a visual overlay of the map reporting signals over your QTH.


Surprised or Feeling Inspired? Share Your Setup with us.

We love seeing how Greyline antennas are helping hams of all experience levels achieve their HF radio goals. If you have a Greyline success story (or even a question), drop a comment to Greyline and let's get the conversation going. We want to hear how well your antenna is doing for your DX pleasure.


The Greyline Performance Team


How to Order a Flagpole Antenna, a checklist:



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Are you ready to experience the difference of a Greyline antenna? Explore our range of HF verticals, all designed for exceptional performance and ease of use. And remember, superior craftsmanship and outstanding customer support are at the core of everything we do.

Read more customer reviews and discover how Greyline Performance can take your ham radio operations to the next level...

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XYLs Approve the Greyline Flagpole Antenna for its dual use: Emergency Prep Security & Real DX

That's right, Family and discerning neighbors approve owing to its designed Elegance! Clean lines and a smooth premium finish. No ugly stubs, traps, coils, unsightly elements, or 100s of radials to mess with or get caught in the lawn mower. No Radials are needed for high performance. Your loved ones and neighbors see an aesthetically pleasing Flagpole, you see a Flagpole Antenna; your ticket to 160-6M Real DX.

"So pretty she let me install it in the garden!"

Have you ever heard anyone say this about a ham radio antenna before? We think not. You're welcome!


Don't forget that we offer extras for you: 

  • 7-Year Warranty - yes, we believe in the product this much.
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee (we want you happy!)
  • Free Shipping (well, we do get a bulk discount) 

More Customer Reviews for your reading pleasure: 

Customers install pictures, videos, and stories covering many topics in our various topic collections:

Favorite Customer quotes:

  • It's so pretty my XYL asked me to install it in the front yard. Imagine that. The front yard! Note: This is after he installed it in the back yard :-)
  • 4 Band DXCC this summer from my HOA
  • Holds its own vs. my taller antennas and with no radials. It is also stealthy.
  • I got my DXCC in the 80s using a vertical dipole and wanted to try again from my new home in an HOA
  • Since I added the Greyline DX Flagpole vertical antenna, I have added over 200 additions to my DXCC Challenge account. I am now right at 900 and hope to complete it in the next few months.
  • 30W and a couple of hours, I worked the entire planet on FT8
  • My wife appreciates the compliments from the neighbors, and it reminds her of her Father's Flagpole. Thank you.
  • If I can hear it, I can work it. It hears very well.
  • Highly Recommended for HOA and CC&R Restricted Ham Radio QTHs. 
  • So pretty my DX Flagpole Antenna is allowed in my wife’s garden. In the GARDEN!
  • Clean Sweep in November Sweepstakes with my DX Flagpole. Note: That's the entire list of USA sections; amazing.
  • Got Indonesia (YB) this morning on 40m SSB with 100 watts. Just over 9,000 miles!
  • 60M Band: The other night I was on 60M and it felt just like the old days, running JA’s from Chicago in the CQWW CW with a 4-1000 Amplifier to a Quad at 80 feet.
  • 80M Band: Got Mauritania, Dodecanese, Israel, and Cypress on 80 meters and 4 bands and 3 modes for VP6R on Pitcairn. First Pitcairn since 10 Meter AM contact in the 1960s.
  • Designed Smarter, Stronger, and with Aesthetic Elegance.
  • So so many FT8 stations worldwide.
  • If I can hear it, I can work it and this antenna hears well.

The past several years have been full of learning experiences and we remain grateful to assist hundreds of happy radio ops to experience the hobby on the bands with us. The bands are hot, join us.

We are honored to serve you, our peers. We are delighted to play a small role in your enjoyment of short-wave HF radio and we do hope that we inspire you to get on the air with Real DX confidence.


We offer a 4 Warranty, no questions asked. We use the honor system and know you do as well. Hey, we want you on the air and are proud to offer this 7-year service or replacement offer. 


We also offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If for any reason you aren't happy with your purchase, send it back for a full refund. We know circumstances change. We want you happy.

One Customer Used our Warranty offer saying, 

"It Works & Greyline Warranty Is For Real - de AA5DV"

Just wanted you to know --- Greyline replaced my Vertical Antenna --- No Questions asked!"  

Greyline Performance Antennas are Popular with Ham Radio, CB, Preppers, and DX'ers alike. The digital modes are a natural fit with the often low noise and low power requirements as well as those commercial industries that need a rapid frequency hopping (ALE) attribute. We are proud to serve Ham Radio, Survival Prep, and Emergency Communications Agencies. 

We enjoy talking radio! 
Write in or call us to discuss any questions you have. It’s an honor to serve you in this manner. Thank you for the opportunity.

We hope you enjoyed this story and were entertained by it.
Maybe you remember a similar story in your youth. GL finding your rare ones. Ham Radio is fun again! Pass it on...

Our Mission:
At Greyline, it's our Mission to serve you by offering higher-quality products that truly enhance your Ham Radio experiences. Standing up to Hurricanes is just a bonus. Antennas that work Real DX and that the ladies can love too. Now that is smarter, stronger, and more elegant for you and your family's security. We are delighted to serve you.

Let's enjoy the adventure, together. Until next time...

73 Greyline Performance
Ph. 435-200-4902 
Write or Call us, we will enjoy talking radio with you!

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